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  1. neutral

    Accepted Neutral's DvL App

    Alright, ima switch the name then.
  2. neutral

    Invalid OfC app ( Rocky )

    Apps are closed, its gonna be denied.
  3. neutral

    Accepted Neutral's DvL App

    Am I able to change it to dvl or is it too late?
  4. neutral

    Denied New Divisions/Special Divisions

    They should add an OTA Special division that is whitelisted
  5. neutral

    Denied New Divisions/Special Divisions

    Theres only 1 Special Division and its vice, I think we should add a few more. Any Thoughts?
  6. neutral

    Accepted Better SPS Systems

    So, OTA have Suit Protection. I was going on a OTA hunt with 4 other guys and we mowed 2 OTA down effortlessly with only SMGs, Normally it would be harder to take these guys down. I think you should make the SPS Systems a bit stronger against SMGs but less powerful to higher caliber weapons...
  7. neutral


  8. neutral

    Accepted oog 4's OfC Application

    +1 Great app, Cool guy
  9. neutral

    Denied VXHX's Ban Appeal

    I really hope this guy gets unbanned, A bunch of CPs and a OTA member were constantly getting rdmed. I was with VXHX when a Mace tried killing me.
  10. neutral

    Accepted Neutral's DvL App

    General Information Discord Username: _superrr_ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:629906182 What rank are you applying for?: OfC Questions Why are you applying for this position? I want to be a leader and help newer CPs. I see some CPs Promoting Rebel propaganda and stuff and I wanna fix it. Why should we...
  11. neutral

    Accepted CHEEKI-BREEKI_ Supervisor App

    +1 Well Written, Seems like he would be fit.
  12. neutral

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    SteamID/Unique ID: STEAM_0:0:629906182 Impulse username/character: Eric Telman Server proof is from: Impulse or Vanilla Idk Requested currency balance: N/A Requested XP balance: 8k Requested skills (only Crafting & Strength transferrable): 10 Crafting (dont have proof tho) Proof: