Search results

  1. Elsker

    Other Can't move my own props and can't delete them

    Since Imperial commented on this thread, I am going to lock it. Thanks for letting us know about this, @Flowee
  2. Elsker

    Denied Raiding the Nexus during downtime

    It would be wrong and unprofessional for me to punish someone without evidence. Please provide evidence of rules infractions next time you make a ban request. Thank you.
  3. Elsker

    Accepted Medicone5's Warn Appeal

    Accepted-- please do not do it again.
  4. Elsker

    Denied Raiding the Nexus during downtime

    We will not take action against this user if there isn't any evidence provided that this interaction occured.
  5. Elsker

    Hi I'm Harry Fisherman

    Welcome to Astronet! We hope you enjoy your time in our community :)
  6. Elsker

    Other use this map instead of the currentd dogshit one

    The upper management team is currently working on switching Astronet to a new map.
  7. Elsker

    Other A idea

    I'm going to lock this thread since you already made a prior one talking about City 9 on Astronet.
  8. Elsker

    Denied Plaza catwalks

    We will be changing to a new map soon that will be more conducive to RP.
  9. Elsker

    Other Want Coffee for HL2rp?

    This would be a cute addition for the server when it comes time to expand upon the CWU faction.
  10. Elsker

    Other Storage

    Locking this thread seeing that no further discussion has been made.
  11. Elsker

    Accepted Better SPS Systems

    See above message :)
  12. Elsker

    Accepted RP Group Section

    There’s no need for a forum post just yet. I’ll talk to Imperial about getting that section up soon
  13. Elsker

    Denied Want Music in hl2 rp?

    The issue with 3DRadio is that it would allow any user to play audio from the internet whenever they wanted. Many problems can arise from letting players do this. If you would like to have music play in the background while you're playing on our server, there are ways to use music kits for...
  14. Elsker

    Denied thing for rebels

    I'm going to lock this thread because allowing the resistance to have unlimited ammo would be completely against the idea of this server being HL2RP.
  15. Elsker


    This thread has been locked because Imperial has released an update addressing this.
  16. Elsker

    Other Wearable Rebel Vests

    Silly lad
  17. Elsker

    Other Storage

    We might be able to entertain the idea of slight storage increases, but anything above 180KG+ would be overkill in my humble opinion. It is healthy for the community to have to choose what they want to stock up on.
  18. Elsker

    Other Wearable Rebel Vests

    Wearable rebel suits would be a powerful tool which will allow rebels to launch dynamic attacks against Civil Protection teams. I feel that this suggestion could be implemented in the future, however the focus of the community should, currently, be towards creating foundational development...
  19. Elsker

    Accepted Civil Protection Suggestions

    I can see this being an annoyance to users trying to flag up as Civil Protection, however... If the intention is to act as a "natural" NLR timer, then it makes sense to keep the NPCs apart. We can either have the distance between the NPCs act as a form of NLR timer, or have a hard coded...
  20. Elsker

    Accepted RP Group Section

    It is very likely that we will add a section for RP groups on the forums once we finalize the ways we will administrate RP groups.