
  1. Elsker

    Community Input: Food & Survival Overhaul

    Hey everyone, In a recent poll conducted with members of our HL2RP community, we discovered that the topic of food & survival is one of the prevailing subjects our user base wants us to focus on. This thread will act as the official way for our community members to help us generate ideas on how...
  2. Elsker

    Community Input: Clothing Overhaul

    Hey everyone, In a recent poll conducted with members of our HL2RP community, we discovered that the topic of clothing is one of the prevailing subjects our user base wants us to focus on. This thread will act as the official way for our community members to help us generate ideas on how to...
  3. Elsker

    HL2RP Development Focus Poll

    Happy New Year! As the first week of January begins, we wanted to take a moment to reconvene our HL2RP player base and gauge what we should focus our development efforts. Keeping with our original vision statement for the server, which can be found here, we want to continue adding features that...