Reviewed Admin ubuse yeetmas/red

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Unturned Helper
Staff Team
Feb 12, 2024
(From Staff Chat)
Before I get too deep into current events- I would just like to remind everyone that being a staff member means you're a representative of Astronet. In turn, meaning you should set a good example for others. Just because something might be allowed in game (ex: Certain uses of language), if you are on Duty and/or dealing with a situation as a staff member, it being allowed doesn't mean you should.

Yeet has also been consoled about proper behavior while on Duty.

Yeet was originally responding to someone asking "help admin" (albeit it was a troll ask for help). By the time he was reported for overstaying, he was already back in Safezone (shown by screenshots).
The management team examined the evidence provided and carefully reviewed both chat and command logs.

While Yeetmas's behavior was deemed inappropriate, it is important to note that the situation originated from a trolling staff-help call initiated by the user. In reality, there was no genuine assistance required.

In line with Astral's statement, Yeetmas has been counseled on adhering to proper behavior, emphasizing the significance of their role as a staff member and representative of AstroNet.
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