Astro Anti-Cheat (AAC)

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Astro Anti-Cheat (AAC) System​

ASTRONET’s game servers feature our own Astro Anti-Cheat (AAC), which helps:
  • Notify staff of suspicious players and activity
  • Automatically identify and ban cheaters
Depending on the game, AAC will deploy different methods for catching cheaters. These methods are confidential, but evidence is shared when possible. AAC is always being actively developed and improved. When a game is first launched at, capability may be limited, but as time goes on, AAC will gain more game-specific features to decrease the amount of cheaters on servers.
Interested in joining our developer team? Apply now.


Bans by AAC are generally permanent and non-negotiable. Exceptions can only be made by a Head Admin of the game server who has been advised by the developer team. The Director of Development may override at any time and require the ban remain in place.
To appeal an AAC ban, visit

Kicks, Warnings, Watchlists​

AAC may perform other automated actions, such as kicks, warnings, and placing players on watchlists. These actions are often reviewed by staff and AAC may supply evidence or advice that is sufficient for a ban once human-reviewed with other available staff tools. In this case, these bans follow the normal pattern of having appeals handled by the member of management who approved the staff member's ban, unless otherwise advised by the Director of Development.

Non-cheaters who are detected to be definitively teaming or benefitting directly from a determined cheater can also have action taken against them by AAC automatically, including bans.
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