Denied Ban Appeal

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New member
Aug 26, 2024
Steam ID: 76561199135567328

Reason for Ban: NITRP,LTAP,MicSpamming,Metagaming,Breaking NLR, Minging and trolling.

Reason for Appeal: My first roleplay server I ever joined since i bought Gmod 2 days ago and wasn't familiar with the rules. I joined the server and there was a mod spawning enemies and messing around so i came to the conclusion it was alright to mess around with people so i went around singing to annoy people. I got kicked from the game after around 30 minutes of doing this where i then joined back and toned down the trolling. I was then dragged to a admin room where they explained to me how i had been refusing to roleplay. I didnt understand how I was refusing to roleplay as I wasn't saying anything out of character except from being annoying. Then i was banned for 2 hours where i had got off for the rest of the day after reading the rules and learning what was acceptable and what was not. The next day i logged back onto the server playing the game as intended without breaking any rules. About after 4 hours of playing i had an incident with a player i came across two players fighting and picked up a gun on the floor where he then instantly started shooting me before i even had the chance to drop it. After this incident i was just going around the map when i suddenly got banned for all the reasons listed. This confused me as i haven't broken any of these rules today and makes me believe i got banned for something that i was already punished for. Not once did i leave the game to avoid punishment aswell as metagaming.

Server/platform: Astronet HalfLife 2 RP

Other information/evidence:

(Me getting banned 2nd time)

(what i thought i got banned for)

(Me getting banned for 2 hours after breaking the rules originally)

(what i got banned for)

(The admin that was rdming us and abusing his power)
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Whilst your story does sound convincing, I unable to verify the claims of you purchasing Garry's Mod recently as your games on your Steam profile are hidden.

I would understand if you were a new player who was unfamiliar with the game and you made a couple of mistakes but if you're in a sit doing THIS when we're clearly trying to talk seriously with you, then I feel as if you're still in the wrong here.

View attachment

During the initial report when a group of people wanted to be in a sit because you were breaking rules, you also continued to micspam and we dragged you into a corner to stay silent. After a few minutes, you left confirmed by the logs.


And, there is something clearly NLR related occurring here considering you were killed within this timespan and then died again to the same people who killed you because you were breaking into their house, thus breaking NLR. Of course, if you were a new player, I'd understand the mistake but to repeat, I cannot view the hours on your Steam account so I cannot confirm you are a new player.


Clip of you returning back to their Apartment singing "Going back to the building, I'm coming back."

View attachment Replay_2024-08-25_18-33-56.mp4

Whilst I believe a 15 day ban is harsh, I also believe some of the things you've done have no excuses. I am willing to lower the ban to 1 week. I'll be leaving this thread open for 1 day to possibly get some answers to why some of this has happened and then I'll make my final verdict.
So, regarding the the when you picked up the gun, that's completely fine. As stated before you were mainly banned for the shit above. We tried talking to you and you chose to fuck around.

Regarding "what you got banned for", it is a small part of it you missed some context in the clip as to why I chose to speak to you. Your initial ban was made for us to go over what we know and make an informed decision and give you time to cool off in the event we decided to end it with a warning.

Regarding the alleged admin that was rdming/abusing their power, you put the blame on me? To give you context I can't spawn items in apart from props like a player, I can't really abuse.. the most abuse I can do is TP you. Additionally, I was in no clip the entire time that you where in or near that building which you seemed to have confirmed yourself in the clip or atleast when i interacted with you.

As a final note, when speaking to staff, I would ask that you speak to us with some level of respect as then we respect you. There's simply no need to act a certain way towards us when we are dealing with player issues, it ruins everyone's day and puts a sour taste in everyone's mouth towards one another.
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You were already supposed to be banned at the time of when this clip was taken, we are very sorry if this brought any confusion. It should not happen again.

Staff members are not exempt from the server rules, admin abuse reports are taken very seriously and handled here. However, pointing out someone for admin abuse without proper evidence won't go very far in most cases unless they plead guilty. Make sure that you're recording if you catch one of our staff members abusing their power or generally just breaking the rules.

With the evidence at hand, your lack of seriousness when brought into an admin sit, your inability to respond during the 24 hours given by a staff member, and to set your steam profile to public in order to help us investigate, I can only deny this ban appeal. Please do not make another one.
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