GMod - HL2RP Garry's Mod - HL2RP Rules

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Rules that apply to Astronet's Garry's Mod - Half-Life 2 Roleplay (HL2RP) servers.

Similar to the original Impulse server rules.


See Global Rules

Core Mechanics​

M1. New-Life-Rule (NLR)​
a. Players can return to their place of death immediately if they died on public property, in their base—as long as it's not being raided—or in the Nexus. Otherwise, players must wait three minutes before returning to where they died.​
b. Players may not remember anything from their past life that links to their death—who killed them, why they were killed, if someone needed to be BOL'd, etc.​
M2. Fear Roleplay (FearRP)​
a. Players may not attack, run away, or disobey any reasonable request if another player is pointing a weapon at them while they are unarmed. Players must roleplay being afraid of the weapon.​
b. Unranked CP/OTA are not considered to be in-roleplay, so FearRP does not apply unless they are not going to their main objective, which is obtaining a rank.​
c. While under fire/being chased by someone armed, may not build or use the physgun.​
M3. No Meta-gaming​
a. Players may not use information from OOC, past lives, Discord, or other places that a person wouldn't know in real life. For example, arresting someone who said they were a rebel in OOC.​
M4. No Interference with staff duties​
a. Staff reserve the right to warn and then enforce consequences based on common sense or subjective interpretations. Saying something is not explicitly in the rules is not an excuse to make the game less enjoyable for others.​


G1. Players may not random-death-match (RDM).​
a. RDM is killing or injuring another player with no legitimate/valid role-playing reason. Valid reasons:​
1. Self-defense of oneself or a person in their group.​
2. Self-defense of a private base if the player has been asked to leave after warnings and a fair amount of time.​
3. Self-defense of a property while being raided by CP/OTA. Must have a stake in the property or the group using it.​
4. Stealing of money or items where the intent is clear.​
b. Players may not kill an unranked CP/OTA unless they are not going to their main objective, which is obtaining a rank.​
G2. Players may not abuse their roleplay jobs.​
a. Randomly bounding/arresting a player is an example of job abuse.​
G3. Players may not place props inside/on someone else's property without permission from that person.​
a. Players may not build on public roadways in ways that hinder the Combine or its vehicles, unless those props are breakable.​
G4. Players may not arrest or place a BOL on a player without valid proof of them violating Combine law.​
G5. Players may not abuse props. This includes, but is not limited to:​
a. Prop blocking—may block windows and doors as long as at least one door is not blocked.​
b. Must be only one keypad or button on each side of a fading/tool door.​
c. Keypads or buttons must not be prop blocked, although may hide it inside a prop as long as it's still accessible to players.​
d. May not open a fading/tool door using keybinds during roleplay situations such as raids.​
G6. Players may not kill a trespasser after they leave unless they do at least one of the following:​
a. Took something of the base owner's.​
b. Broke into the base.​
c. Owner saw them enter or leave the base without permission after warning them (see G7).​
G7. If a player leaves their door unlocked and another player enters while they're in the base, must tell them to leave and give a reasonable amount of time before they can be killed.​
G8. Players may not build doom-fortresses. Defined as the following:​
a. Bases that are impossible or extremely difficult for one person to raid.​
b. Barricades that make it impossible to shoot you—no small firing holes allowed.​
c. Multiple fading/tool doors located right after each other.​
d. Mazes​
e. One-sided props​
f. Confusing textures​
g. Using no-collided props or buttons to mimic fading/tool door abuse.​
h. Opaque props that can be shot through, such as fences.​
G9. Players may not scam other players.​
a. Stealing is not against the rules, though it is illegal under Combine law.​
b. Players may not join an RP group with the intent to defraud, scam, or otherwise undermine the group. This includes any documents that the RP group produces, Discords they may run, and any other resources, both in-game and out-of-game.​
G10. Players may not use tools or add/edit their vehicles with props.​
G11. Players cannot have potentially offensive roleplay names or Steam names.​
G12. Players may not do any roleplay action (e.g., kidnap, arrest, etc.) while inside spawn.​
a. After a player has left the spawn area, they are no longer protected by this rule until they respawn.​
b. Civil Protection may enter the spawn to arrest/amputate someone attempting to return to spawn to evade arrest.​
G13. Players may not build while a raid is happening.​
G14. Players may not bunny-hop (bhop) faster than moving vehicles.​
G15. Nexus may not be raided unless permission has been given by a staff member. Create a request in F3.​
a. Shooting into the Nexus or plaza is considered raiding it.​
b. May return fire if shot at from the plaza/Nexus, but avoid baiting.​
c. Citizens may break into the Nexus at any time but cannot raid ammo boxes or attack any Combine personnel.​
d. The catwalks above and around the Nexus/plaza are not protected. Combine units on the catwalks can be attacked by rebels without staff authorization.​
e. On some maps, staff authorization is required for raiding the plaza. See the map specific rules for details.​
G16. Players may not kidnap the same person within 15 minutes.​
G17. Players may not restrict/build bases around any public landmarks, such as spawn, the ration distribution center, Civil Workers Union work sites, the Fisherman, public storage lockers, and the Black Market Dealer NPC.​
a. Rebel storage locker does not apply to this rule and can have a base built around it.​
G18. Do not put any props other than letters (/write) or items in the Nexus letter chute. Small props for roleplay purposes may be used, but do not spam.​
G19. Players must have realistic and sensible roleplay names. Canon names and characters are not allowed, which extends to last names but not first names. For example, Gordon is fine, Freeman is not.​
G20. Do not abuse items or item dropping. For example, dropping items to block a pathway or slow down a CP. At the time of being chased, it is allowed to move existing props (without using Physgun) to obstruct a pathway, for example, pushing a wooden crate.​
G21. Do not purchase doors to properties that there is no intent to use.​
G22. E2 and hydraulic doors may be used once per base entrance. Main entrance may have up to three. Must have a clear buttons/keypads to open the door which is easily located from inside and outside of the door.​
G23. Players may stumble upon/discover hidden doors by attempting to open things.​
G24. Players may not build structures that allow accessing staff-only or out-of-bounds areas of the map.​
G25. May not unshackle Vortigaunts without their consent.​
G26. Do not disconnect from the server to avoid an active roleplay situation.​



Includes citizens that harbor or participate in illegal activities or wear rebel clothing.
R1. While wearing rebel clothing, may attack any Combine (Civil Protection, Overwatch, City Administrator) on sight, except for in the Nexus or plaza per G16 (must request permission from staff).​
R2. May coordinate attacks on Combine patrols, outposts, vehicles, and operations, given they are not in the plaza or Nexus (without approval).​
R3. May attack Combine without a rebel suit as long as the weapon is melee. May attack Combine property, such as cameras, with any weapons without a rebel suit as long as it does not involve shooting a Civil Protection, Overwatch, or City Administrator.​
R4. May do passive activities without a suit, such as brewing moonshine, staying in the sewers, and crafting weapons.​
R5. May deploy an IED without a rebel suit.​
R6. May eliminate a confirmed Combine informant without a rebel suit.​

Combine (CMB)

Includes CP, OTA, and CA
CMB1. Amputate (eliminate) those wearing rebel clothing or brandishing weapons​
CMB2. Question any citizens suspected of committing a crime. Bring in for questioning by JURY if needed.​
CMB3. Detain and re-educate or arrest (jail via Combine Terminal while having the person bound) citizens violating Combine law or marked for BOL.​
a. If player runs from the unit, chase for 6 seconds with a "Stop right there" and/or "He's running!" warning. After that duration, amputate (eliminate) the suspect.​
CMB4. Use radio to communicate with other protection and overwatch team members.​
CMB5. Unranked units (CP/OTA) should not engage in roleplay and should get a rank as soon as possible.​
CMB6. All units must work together as a team to the best of their ability—unless a rogue unit.​
CMB7. Must have good reason to release prisoners early. An example of this is cooperation in an investigation.​
a. Conversely, must have good reason to increase prisoners' sentences, such as malcompliance.​
CMB8. Must have reasonable suspicion to search players, unless otherwise specified in the rules (see exceptions for Civil Unrest, checkpoints, etc.). Other valid reasons for a search a player are:​
a. Visiting a part of the Nexus that is not open to the public (e.g., CA's office)​
b. Gaining privileged access to the CA or a high-level CMB authority, such as at a speech or event​
c. If you believe your RP scenario requires searching without reasonable suspicion, request an exception with F3.​
CMB9. Intel expires after 60 minutes if no follow-up has taken place.​

Civil Workers Union (CU)​

CU1. May use General Workbenches without it being considered illegal.​

Civil Protection (CP)​

CP1. Must conform to commands and Combine law/procedure according to rank. Higher the rank, more the Combine have brainwashed the unit.​
CP2. May only go Rogue if approved by a staff member. Create a request in F3. Rogue permission lasts until the player dies or changes jobs. Rogues can only be a maximum rank of i3 and cannot be a Jury.​
CP3. May not enter 404 Zones, such as the sewers.​
a. Exception if a player is seen running in, unit may chase for 6 seconds then must return.​
b. See CP4 for gated construction site exception.​
c. See GM4 for exceptions during a Judgement Waiver and GM5 for exceptions during Autonomous Judgement.​
CP4. May not enter the gated construction site 404 Zone without either being an i1 rank or having one present within the patrol group​
CP5. During Civil and Civil Unrest, may only raid buildings in non-restricted areas where illegal activity has been reported or seen.​
a. Civilian report is enough for a raid, even if it proves to be false.​
CP6. Rogue CPs are expected to act as passively as possible when conducting rebel activities. May only engage in attacking in self-defense or when caught.​
CP7. CPs may use tear gas for:​
a. Riot control​
b. A raid where a squad of 3 more more CP units is present​
c. A combat situation where rebels are holding a position​
CP8. BOLs can only be applied to a citizen if a CP has witnessed them committing a crime. Placing a BOL does not require the suspect citizen to apply beforehand.​
CP9. Do not loiter or build checkpoints around public 404 zone exits. May remain in the area to investigate a death for example, but must leave when able to.​
CP10. If non-cooperative, may amputate (eliminate) an insane person classified by showing any of these symptoms (otherwise detain and attempt treatment):​
a. Violently shaking​
b. Hearing whispers​
c. Inability to read names​
d. Red vision​
CP11. VICE can only be used for specialized targeted missions approved by DvL+, not regular use.​

Overwatch Transhuman Arm (OTA)​

OTA1. During Civil city code, remains inside the Nexus and guard, unless a SENTINEL unit guarding the City Administrator.​
a. The Ration Distribution Center is not considered part of the Nexus itself. OTA may not go there during Civil city code.​
b. May also leave the Nexus if unit is designated for a Shadow Raid.​
c. On maps with Outlands: May leave the Nexus to patrol/guard regions of the Outlands at any city code.​
d. See other map-specific rules for where Overwatch can go.​
OTA2. Guards & patrols the Nexus, including the lobby.​
OTA3. May build defenses, especially to help defend against raids.​
OTA4. During Judgement Waiver or Autonomous Judgement city code, deploys from the Nexus (see GM5 and GM6 for details).​
OTA5. Must conform to commands and Combine law/procedure according to rank. Overwatch units have been completely augmented and brainwashed.​
a. OWS and EOW are the same rank level.​
b. LDR is higher rank than all other OTA. Civil Protection SqL and higher ranks are considered higher in the chain of command than LDR.​
c. LDR may defunct OTA units without SqL+ or staff approval, but must be ready to justify the reason for doing so.​
OTA6. SENTINEL units must guard the City Administrator. They do not take orders from other non-SENTINEL units, unless a SENTINEL LDR or Civil Protection SqL+.​
a. However, they should cooperate as much as possible.​
b. If the City Administrator is declared defunct by SqL+, SENTINEL units should no longer protect the CA and should instead amputate (eliminate).​
OTA7. KING can only be used for specialized targeted missions approved by ODL+, not regular use.​

City Administrator (CA)​

CA1. Puppet of the Combine that acts as a figurehead and follows orders from Civil Protection command (SqL, DvL, DcO, CmD).​
CA2. Creates propaganda for the Combine.​
CA3. May use dispatch reasonably to create a propaganda atmosphere, as long as it does not interfere with Civil Protection command.​
CA4. May invite people up to the Nexus given they pass Civil Protection/Overwatch search.​
CA5. Must remain inside the Nexus, unless escorted by a SENTINEL during Civil city status. Primarily resides in the Nexus. Allowed to be in the Nexus lobby, but recommended to have Overwatch guard if in the outside portion.​


V1. May work for the Combine and help clean facilities, including the Nexus, if approved by Civil Protection, Overwatch, or City Administrator. Must be searched beforehand. While working, may not have any Vortessence.​
V2. May attack Combine (Civil Protection, Overwatch, City Administrator) whenever desired if Vortigaunt has Vortessence.​

Gamemode Mechanics​

GM1. Building​
a. To build a base without being raided, place a "Building" sign above the door noticeably. If someone kills you while inside the building and have that sign, it's considered RDM, unless you have left the base and committed to another roleplay action.​
b. Players may not store illegal contraband or harbor illegal activities while building. If they do, the building sign becomes invalid.​
GM2. Hostage Rules​
a. Players may not run away from gunpoint or while being tied/bound—this is breaking FearRP.​
b. Hostage takers must always be doing something with the person they kidnapped. This means they cannot have them locked away in a cell for more than a few minutes.​
c. After 5 minutes, kidnapper has to either release the hostage or give them a release amount—for example, 2000T for release.​
d. Once the hostage demands have been met the kidnapper must release them, not doing so is considered scamming.​
e. If hostage is tied/bound, FearRP applies as long as the kidnapper is present.​
GM3. Civil
a. Default state of the city where Combine units patrol and have stunsticks out (except for in dangrous/suspicious areas)​
b. City code may only be changed back to Civil once there have been no Combine biosignal losses within the last 6 minutes.​
1. If command units (OfC, SqL, DvL, DcO, CmD) are online, it becomes at their discretion, otherwise LDR or City Administrator will go with a consensus from the protection and overwatch teams.​
GM3. Civil Unrest
a. During Civil Unrest, Combine units use heavier weaponry and are on alert​
b. Anyone outside or in a suspicious/being investigated building may be detained for questioning.​
c. Random searches may be conducted at checkpoints. Raids of suspicious areas & bases increase.​
d. City code may only be changed to Civil Unrest if the following requirements are met:​
1. At least 6 Civil Protection units have had biosignal loss (eliminated) within the last 10 minutes or​
2. City Administrator was assassinated or​
3. Nexus or plaza is being raided or​
4. At least 2 (manned) Combine outposts/bases were attacked within the last 10 minutes or​
5. At least 3 command units (OfC, SqL, DvL, DcO, CmD) have had biosignal loss (eliminated) within the last 10 minutes or​
6. Credible intelligence has been obtained by JURY indicating an imminent rebel attack or​
7. Staff approval has been given based on situational judgement​
e. May only remain in Civil Unrest for a maximum of 30 minutes, unless longer can be justified. For example, CP units still having biosignal losses at a high rate. However, at that point, Judgement Waiver should be evaluated for eligibility.​
GM4. Judgement Waiver
a. After the initial announcement and 30 seconds have passed, OTA and Combine units are deployed to sweep the entire city (map), including all 404 zones.​
b. Once deployed, Combine units amputate (eliminate) anyone on sight after giving a warning and time for the citizen to return to their home.​
1. Civil Protection units should attempt to detain/arrest any citizens not going inside.​
2. If no Civil Protection units are available to handle, Overwatch units can amputate (after enough time has been given).​
c. Combine units may not camp the spawn and must let citizens have a fair chance to run to their home.​
d. Command units will direct building raids if needed.​
e. Random searches can be conducted throughout the city.​
f. City Administrator must stay in the secure administrator's office of the Nexus, with access to the city controls and Combine Terminal.​
1. City Administrator listens over radio for instructions on controls to issue.​
g. City code may only be changed to Judgement Waiver if the following requirements are met:​
1. There has not been a judgement waiver for 30 minutes or staff approval has been given and​
1. Civil Unrest (GM3) is already active and​
2. Civil Unrest (GM3) has failed to quash rebel resistance for over 30 minutes or​
3. At least 10 Civil Protection units have had biosignal loss (eliminated) within the last 10 minutes during Civil Unrest or​
4. At least 5 command units (OfC, SqL, DvL, DcO, CmD) have had biosignal loss (eliminated) within the last 10 minutes during Civil Unrest​
GM5. Autonomous Judgement
a. After the initial announcement and 30 seconds have passed, OTA and Combine units are deployed to amputate (eliminate) the entire city (map), including all of the 404 zones.​
b. Overwatch SENTINELs are to prepare City Administrator for immediate transport out of the city​
c. After the resistance has been quashed, the entire city has been raided, and all non-Combine have been eliminated at least once, can be ended.​
d. City code may only be changed to Autonomous Judgement when the Judgement Waiver (GM4) has failed to eliminate rebels & disorder from the city or as an event.​
GM6. Storage​
a. May only access storage in passive situations.​
b. May not deposit items into storage when being raided or chased by Combine forces.​
c. If being chased or raided in the past 4 minutes, may not deposit items into storage.​
d. May not deposit items into storage during combat situations.​
e. Staff may request for players to take items out of storage.​
GM7. Checkpoints​
a. May only be primarily constructed by Civil Protection GRID units. Other units may help or create additional supporting/defensive structures.​
b. While a checkpoint is actively preventing passage, must be manned.​
c. While manned, a checkpoint can deny access to any suspicious citizens, perform searches, and require identification from citizens.​
GM8. Shadow Raids​
a. If online, consult with a staff member (F3) to validate a shadow raid.​
a. For a shadow raid to be activated, all of these conditions must be met:​
1. No shadow raid within the last hour.​
2. Shadow raid is led by an OVC+ who must log the raid and reason in the CMB Discord.​
3. Raid has a clear target person of interest or building which has exhibited rebel activity. Intel on this individual or building must not be expired.​
4. A raid plan has been put together and presented to the raiding squad.​

Wiremod Expression2 (E2)​

WE1. May not use E2 to change base models of players/NPCs in any visually major way. For example, a CP cannot change rank or eye color. Must still be identifiable as their original division.​
a. Can make small additions such as a holster or backpack.​
b. Must not edit the color values of the character model.​
WE2. Must be realistic and lore-friendly. Can be removed at staff's discretion.​
a. Must fit the player's role (team/class/rank).​
WE3. May not use E2s to imitate any official cosmetics, items, or features.​
WE4. May not use E2s to gain an unfair advantage.​
WE5. May not affect gameplay in ways such as, but not limited to, combat. Any E2 with a non-cosmetic effect is subject to review and may be removed at any time.​
WE6. May not abuse E2s or negatively impact server performance. Any E2 impacting server performance badly can be removed.​

Map Rules​

Industrial 17​

  1. OTA may patrol the plaza catwalks during any city code.
  2. Rebels may only attack the plaza with staff authorization. Create a request in F3.

City 24​

  1. Plaza area for this map is Victory Square.
  2. Rebels may attack the plaza at any time.
  3. OTA may patrol the plaza catwalks during any city code.
  4. During any city code, OTA may head directly to the door leading to the plaza catwalks as long as they do not deviate.
  5. During Civil Unrest city code, OTA may deploy to the plaza itself. They are only to defend the plaza from attacks, weapons, and threats. For example, they are not to engage with 10-103m suspects and should leave those to the Civil Protection.


C1. Smack talk is allowed but disrespect/hate is not.​
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