Global Global Rules

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Rules that apply across all of Astronet's services.
  1. Be respectful. Do not use hateful terms or discriminate by race, lifestyle, gender, age, religion, etc.
  2. Keep content age-appropriate. No 18+ nudity, illegal content, or severe violence.
  3. Do not threaten or attempt to exploit, harm, disrupt, or hinder any of Astronet's services or users.
  4. Never disclose or threaten to disclose personal, identifiable, or damaging information about any other user, entity, or person.
  5. No spam, including chat and voice spam.
    1. No spam pinging, repeating messages, sending messages of no value too fast, or abusing media permissions.
  6. No advertisements of things unrelated to Astronet, especially other gaming communities/servers.
  7. Do not attempt to exploit or use modifications (e.g., cheats) of any kind that give an unfair advantage.
  8. Only one account on each of Astronet's services is allowed. Use of alternate accounts is not allowed without prior permission.
  9. Virtual-private-network (VPN), proxies, or other services that disguise IP addresses are not allowed without prior permission.
    1. Many cheaters use these to try to circumvent bans.
    2. Using these may result in a ban if detected and determined suspicious, especially on free-to-play games.
  10. No impersonation of Astronet staff/services.
  11. Please use English in global chats. This is to ensure our staff can do their job.
    1. Currently not enforcing this rule on our Unturned servers.
  12. Do not argue or cause drama in staff situations. If you believe a decision was incorrect, please make an abuse report.
  13. No drama, trolling, or stirring conflict.
  14. No stream sniping. Streamers can report stream snipers via a report.
  15. Agree to all Terms of Service and:
    1. Privacy Policy
    2. Data Processing Agreement (DPA)
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