HL2RP Development Focus Poll

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Happy New Year!

As the first week of January begins, we wanted to take a moment to reconvene our HL2RP player base and gauge what we should focus our development efforts. Keeping with our original vision statement for the server, which can be found here, we want to continue adding features that will expand our users' roleplay ability while keeping the vibe lighthearted and fun. We cannot develop everything we want to at once, so we have curated a list of development subjects that we kindly ask players of our HL2RP server to vote on.

How this will work:

Please select three topics from the list below and rate them in a post ranging from 1 to 3. Your first pick is the subject you feel needs the most immediate attention, while your second and third choices will be features you feel are important but not as pressing. It is worth mentioning that adding complexity and nuance to features will take time, so it's alright if a specific content addition serves only as a platform for future expansion. We will work together to tie in game features together as time goes on.
Here is a basic format for your post to follow:
1: __________
2: __________
3: __________

(Your comments here)

HL2RP Development List:
- City administrator overhaul
- Loyalist points addition
- CWU munitions factory addition
- CWU energy factory addition
- RP group/F6 overhaul
- Apartment/utilities overhaul
- Clothing overhaul
- Food/survival overhaul
- Death/life value overhaul
- RP-centered crafting overhaul
- Medical RP rework
- UI/HUD/branding overhaul
- Writing/document addition
- Map change
- Public bulletin board
- Workshift/global schedule system
- Multiple character support
- Voice radios
- Overwatch Wallhammer, Suppressor classes
- Other (...)

Once again, thank you for being a part of the Astronet community. We will continue to do our best to make fun and unique games you all to enjoy. After a week has passed, I will process the results and issue a follow-up on where we will go post-poll. Also, please only reply to this thread once.
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The following values have been accounted for. Each item listed as a user's first or most important choice is valued at 3 points. A user's second choice has a value of 2 points, and their last choice is just 1 point. The highest-scoring suggestions will be considered the "most pressing".

The results of this poll will be discussed with the community via the forums and with the Improvement Committee. We'll be having conversations on how to implement these ideas best. Please be patient with us as we continue to further our vision for our HL2RP server.

Thank you guys for voting! <3

(Here is a link to view the image in larger dimensions: https://prnt.sc/-U7DOpRsOO-8 )
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