This post is for terminology, for voicelines see Civil Protection/Overwatch Voicelines or Vortigaunt Voicelines.
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Universal Union (Combine)
- BOL: Be on Lookout
- GOA: Gone on Arrival
- ADW: Assault with a Deadly Weapon
- APB: All-Points Bulletin
- DB: Dead Body
- PT: Protection Team
- UTL: Unable to Locate
- UPI: Unidentified Person of Interest
- UPA: Unauthorized Procreative Activity (Sex or similar actions)
- Biotic: Any Xenien creature or figure. (Most common - Vortigaunts)
- Bio-Signal: Stabilization readouts given by trackers in units.
- Bug: Species such as Antlions.
- Viscon: Visual confirmation (Unit can see the object/person)
- Converge: To move to a location, often with haste (running)
- Deservicement: Death of a Union agent.
- Dismount: Exit/leave a manned hardpoint.
- Expired: Death of a subject.
- Harden: Maintain a defensive position.
- Deploy: Deployment of equipment or squad.
- PT-V: Patrol team consisting of an APC.
- RDT: Ration Distribution Terminal.
- Service Cycle: A day/night cycle of on-duty unit service.
- Tag: To assign a code to a subject (10-96P, etc).
- Violator: Anyone that is committing/has committed a crime.
- Viscerator: A manhack.
- Virome: Human under toxic parasitic influence (Poison Zombie).
- Administer: To apply a given action or verdict.
- Airwatch: Airborne branch of Overwatch Arm.
- Amputate: Execute/kill.
- Zero: Until completion/none are left.
- Anti-Citizen: An unruly citizen demonstrating active endangerment to sociostability.
- Stand-by: Awaiting orders.
- Cauterize: Permanently sever access to a location.
- Clamp: Temporarily block access to a location.
- Contain: Clamp off entrances and confine a situation to certain areas.
- Coagulate: Spread out across an area to cover more ground
- Contact: Hostiles spotted, prepare to engage.
- Sword: Action call saying that weapons may be freely used.
- Document: Take note of a situation by updating the APB (Coming Soon: PDA).
- Evasion: Evasive activity to avoid stabilization teams/prosecution.
- Examine: Investigate/look into.
- Hardpoint: Forcefield/checkpoint at key locations.
- Individual: Specific person of interest.
- Infested: Parasitic or necrotic influence within a given area.
- Inject: Breach into a room.
- Inquire: Interrogate through questioning.
- Interlock: Group together into a protection team.
- Isolate: Disband a large group of Citizens.
- Lock: Hold your assigned position.
- Malcompliance: Failure to co-operate.
- Malignant: A dangerous/threatening individual.
- Midnight: Surprise attack. Enter quietly then ambush.
- Necrotic: Human under parasitic influence. (Normal Zombie).
- Non-Sanctioned: Not approved/allocated.
- Pacify: Render incapable of performing typical functions, re-educate.
- Preserve: Preserve socio-stability at a given area.
- Perimeter: Defensive line or area.
- Protection Team/PT: Reference to the Civil Protection team or a particular squad.
- Respond: Respond to a request or given edict.
- Restrict: Deny access through a checkpoint or area.
- Search: Search an individual/group for any contraband or items of interest.
- Serve: Follow.
- Shield: Defend a given checkpoint or area.
- Stabilize: Restore order to a situation by any means necessary (This is determined lethal/non-lethal by commanding authority).
- Sterilize: To remove.
- Suspend: Cease a given action.
- Verdict: An imposed punishment for a given crime/transgression.
- Violation: A crime/transgression committed by an individual.
Radio Codes
- 10-0: Caution
- 10-2: Negative
- 10-3: Stop transmitting
- 10-4: Message received; understood
- 10-5: Repeat message
- 10-6: Busy
- 10-7: Off-duty; offline
- 10-8: On-duty; online
- 10-12: Standby
- 10-14: Passive
- 10-15: Prisoner
- 10-17: Respond to request
- 10-19: Returning to Nexus
- 10-20: Location
- 10-22: Disregard
- 10-25: Visual
- 10-26: Prosecuting
- 10-30: Socio-incursion
- 10-32: Armed personnel
- 10-50: Patrol
- 10-52: Requiring medical assistance
- 10-51: Ending patrol
- 10-59: Escort
- 10-65: Standing by
- 10-76: En-route
- 10-77: Fire in progress
- 10-78: Armed assistance
- 10-91: Citizen
- 10-91w: Citizen, Wounded
- 10-91d: Citizen, Dead
- 10-96M: Mentally imperfect individual/citizen
- 10-96P: Physically imperfect individual/citizen
- 10-97: Arrived at location/reported area/request
- 10-99: Officer under threat
- 10-103: Disturbance
- 10-103M: Disturbance by mentally unfit
- 10-104: Suicide
- 10-107: Suspicious person
- 10-108: Deserviced/deservicement
- 11-6: Vulnerable (Intoxicated, unconscious, etc.)
- 11-42: Wrap-up (finish assignment)
- 11-44: Clean-up crew (conscripted biotics)
- 11-99: Officer needs immediate assistance
- 34S: Shots fired
- 52E: Explosions heard
- 404: Riot in-progress
- 415b: Investigating disturbance
- 647: Non-citizen/minor offender
- 647E: Anti-citizen/major offender
- 187: Suspect prosecution discretionary
- Code 1: A standard situation where a delegate needs a few units for backup, don't respond if busy
- Code 2: Emergency and backup is needed, ready weapons and run to the location when not busy
- Code 3: Emergency and backup is needed immediately, drop all current tasks and respond
- Code 4: Situation resolved
- Code 7: Out of service to eat; Going to ration intake
- Code 10: Bomb threat
- Code 12: Return to standard directives
- Code 100: Situation stable
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