Linking Astronet & Steam Accounts

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Linking your Astronet and Steam account syncs purchases from the store and enrolls you in rewards.

Linking Accounts​

  1. To start the link process, do /link in #┊・bot-commands under the @AstroDog Bot
    1. Note this is different from the AstroUnturned link command which is for raid alerts (in the future these will be combined)
  2. Paste the resulting command given by the bot in-game to be rewarded
  3. Rejoin the server to obtain any new roles/products


Redeemable once on the server you use to link your account—choose wisely!


  • Removes the Discord popup when joining all servers


  • 1x Black Intel
  • 1x Mechanical Lotus

Germany, Washington, PEI, Russia​

  • 2x Alicepack


  • 1x Blank Strike Module
  • 1x High Tech Fuse

Garry's Mod​


  • 500 tokens
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