Loyalty System (Rework)

gutent-tag whats going to happen in this rework is im going to refurbish my loyalty system based on what other people have said ill also be adding 2 new rankings to the loyalty system and adding loads of more rewards/taking away some too! so lets get to Topic one then!

How to Earn Loyalty Points.

1 - 5 loyalty points.
  • Reporting Minor Violations (vandalism to non combine property. - hate speech. - possesion of non UU Certified food. - ect..)
  • Handing in minor contraband (crafting supplies. - Non UU Food. - Medical Equipment. - a reward is only provided once a day and is only half a point.)
  • Partaking in a Workforce intake within the CIU
  • working for the CCU or CMU
5 - 10 loyalty points.
  • Providing light info about Anti civil activities (this cpuld be something like a last known position of a rebel the name of a rebel ect)
  • reporting a planned Riot
  • reporting semi major crimes (unlawful entry. burgalry. criminal damage. ect..)
  • handing in semi major contraband (ammo. - sharp objects - face wraps - gas masks - ect..)
10 - 15 loyalty points.
  • saving the the life of a CWU Member or civilian
  • providing semi major info on Anti civil activity (Base Location. - group names. - leader names.)
  • saving the life of a loyalist (higher amount of points based on higher amount of tier loyalist that was saved)
  • handing in major contraband (USPs - SMGs - grenades - Ect..)
15 - 20 loyalty points.
  • saving the life of a CIvil protection officer. (higher points depending on higher the rank)
  • providing info on major rebel attacks
  • handing in Lethal tier Contraband (IEDs - shotguns - snipers - ect..)

20+ loyalty points
  • saving the life of the city administrator
  • saving the life of a OTA Unit (higher the points depending on higher the rank)

How To Receive Loyalty Points.
all loyalty points are received by a local civil protection unit you will be able to view youre points at a ATM and take them out also you can also give points to other civilians (with reason and depending if you are above or a Tier III Loyalist Or Not!​
Loyalty Ranks And Reward.

non civilian - enforced at -25 points
  • no ration
  • not allowed in housing districts
  • essentially banished to the slums

non compliant civilian - enforced at -10 points
  • less food in rations
  • less tokens
  • longer ration wait time

civilian - granted upon city entry at 0 points
  • no special perks
  • average ration
  • permitted grade 1 housing
Tier I loyalist - granted at +10 points
  • recognised as a loyalist with either a band or a pin (up to the person)
  • Less re-eduaction
  • allowed in grade 2 housing
  • Tier I Rations
Tier II loyalist - granted at +20 points
  • enjoy minor vices such as branded cigarette's and liquor
  • Grade 3 housing (new Building)
  • Tier II Ration Pack
Tier III loyalist - Granted at +40 points
  • Access to the Criminal Action Pardon. (CAP This means a loyalist can use this ONCE during his duration of stay in Civil Society to clear any minor crimes durine a time when it is suitable. It is usable only one time and cannot be used to void amputations.
  • Grade 4 housing
  • able to give LPs to other Civilians (with good enough reason)
  • Tier III Ration Pack
Tier IV loyalist - Granted at +50 points
  • a meeting with the CA (guarded and with reasonable demeanour)
  • Tier IV Ration Pack
  • grade 5 housing (new building)
Tier V loyalist - Granted at +75 points
  • able to carry a small weapon only for self defence example. - M1911 - USP
  • Tier V ration pack
  • Grade 6 housing (max housing)
Tier VI loyalist - granted at +100 points
  • Attend meetings regarding the status of the City.
  • Require review from Overwatch to amputate (unless a threat to protection teams)
  • Host a loyalist meeting all Tier III loyalists and above in cohesion with the Administrator)
  • Can book a Private meeting with a administrator
  • Tier VI Rations

thank you to everyone who commented on my previous loyalty post I've made improvements in cohesion with them here so thank you to
Jonah, Tryki and Sherrif for commenting on my previous post and giving youre opinions it really means alot and PLEASE if theres anything here you guys wanna comment on Be my guest so without further a due.

i hope you guys have a great day and Verabschiedung!

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1+ support

Even though I might change some small things to my taste, I believe that any changes would be nitpicks. Generally, the suggestion could be very well put together and functional on the server if real weight is put behind it, having a strong effect on you as a character, yet still allowing you to go up from the lowest tier scum all the way up to Tier VI, and back again.
I'm kind of interested in how switching from loyalist to rebel would work, as on the server it’s currently as easy as walking in a certain direction, but that is an entirely different conversation. Overall, I believe this is a great suggestion in all points.
A good system in idea and I like a lot of the passive and even some interactable rewards like the cap- I have a few things I disagree with heavily such as being able to give others loyalist points or speak to Overwatch; maybe they could get personal ping devices for MPF? I think in the top rewards they could even do UU business advertisements in the broadcast station and such. Stuff to increase actual reward and RP from the position. I also don't agree with points for CMU or CWU work but rather rewards within or from those groups themselves, and I think giving in contraband should degrade in points each time in a time span or even have a cooldown of when- something to stop point hoarding.

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