Invalid OfC app ( Rocky )

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New member
Apr 9, 2024
General Information

Discord Username: Rocky6543
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56297127
What rank are you applying for?: OfC (MPF)


Why are you applying for this position?: I want to apply so that i can lead

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I should be chosen over other people because i can be a leader and be funny at the same time, but i'll try to be cohesive too.

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP): I have experience giving orders and having strategic positions, I sometimes coach TF2 newbies.

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?: You could see me giving out strategic positions when prepping for a raid, Such as when we are raiding an apartments building such as diordna, we could split up, 2 coming from the windows at the traintracks, and 2 coming from the door at the bottom, Good for blocking off exits that rebels could escape through.

Do you have a working microphone?: Nope.


You’re in nexus and an i4 comes up screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?: Tell them to move along or warn them, And ask why they're screaming at me. If they keep doing it, i will give them i final warning and tell them they will be deserviced. If they keep doing it, i will get a higherup or an admin to deservice them.

An i3 is being non-cohesive on the radio, saying things like “idk lol” or “dude I just killed that citizen lmao”. How would you respond?: Ask them to remain cohesive, if they keep doing it call them to the MPF armory to give them a warning in person, If they keep doing it, call them to the MPF armory again and request a higherup too to decide what to do with them.

During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?: Tell them politely that they got the charges wrong, and say that when someone does that, you should put (insert charges here) and such
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