Suppression Sweeps for OTA

Apr 12, 2024
I wanted to make a new type of deployment for OTA to assist in overwhelming forces of rebels or creatures that CP can't deal with by themselves. Here are the deployment requirements; These sweeps are only to be conducted when a heavy force of rebels are holding out in a certain spot in the city, or if a confirmed outbreak of Antlions or Zombies has been reported and cannot be dealt with by CP.

- Must be led by an LDR+
- One or more reasons have been engaged
- The city code is MARGINAL
- A valid reason has been given by a OfC+
- Must have at least 3 ST members. (4-5 are recommended)
- Only 1 ST is allowed to sweep at a time.

After the sweep is complete OTA have to ripcord back to nexus.
If the leader of the suppression sweep dies, all of the OTA in the sweep are to ripcord instantly.
If a suppression sweep gets wiped out (all of the OTA are dead). It contributes one reason to the city code.

I would love to hear what our community have to say to this possible update, honesty in the comments is appreciated.
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