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  1. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    XP Imported
  2. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    Impulse Verified - Imported full requested amount
  3. AstralTiger

    Denied i didn't do anything

    You have 4 warns. If a member of staff has warned you, there is a valid reason and you need to take it seriously. If you ever feel like a warn is invalid you can appeal it, but you consistently disrespect our rules and we will not just keep giving you warns if you wont even acknowledge them.
  4. AstralTiger

    Denied i didn't do anything

    You always have access to your warns. Management has collectively decided to Temporarily Ban you due your consistent disrespect for the rules. This is our last warning to you before more drastic punishments are given.
  5. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    Impulse Verified - Imported full requested amount - Let us know youre on with an F3 so we can give you your Skill XP
  6. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    Impulse Verified - Imported full amount in the screenshot
  7. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    Impulse Verified - Imported full requested amount
  8. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    2/3 Imports Completed - Just need you to be online to set your Skill XP (Request with an F3 next time youre online) - Max of 8000 Normal XP given of Non-Original Impulse limit
  9. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    1975 Crafting Experience Granted
  10. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    If you could please give us full, unedited screenshots with your name in them for proofs that they are yours.
  11. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

  12. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    Imported XP - Send a Screenshot with your Skill Stats and make an F3 in game if you see Darwin, Imperial or I as they need to be set while you're online.
  13. AstralTiger

    Request Impulse XP/Currency/Skills Transfer

    Imported - XP was set to the max non-original Impulse of 8000
  14. AstralTiger

    Denied Plaza catwalks

    Its not that easy to modify the map in those ways since its not made by Astronet. There are talks though about using other maps, so the suggestions are still helpful.
  15. AstralTiger

    Accepted CP Drops

    Bruh, only 1 person has access to that and thats Imperial. Not even normal admins have it because it could be abused. Just farm booze and sell it to the BM and buy it from BM
  16. AstralTiger

    Accepted CP Drops

    You make it lol. I have a stash of assault Ammo in my chest.
  17. AstralTiger

    Accepted CP Drops

    -1 Its an RP server. Your incentive to kill them is your freedom from the Combine.
  18. AstralTiger

    Accepted unban plz

    Talked to in Gmod - Reviewed and Understands VPN use policy. Appeal accepted.
  19. AstralTiger

    Accepted unban plz

    Please review and message here when you have.
  20. AstralTiger

    Accepted Sandstorm is harassing me

    Confirmed talking with Rocky in game - Sandstorm is bringing Drama (which isn't allowed in the first place) from a different server into ours which is not received lightly. Rocky has been advised to not talk to Sandstorm and to bring any issues up to staff immediately. When Sandstorm is...