Accepted CP Drops

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oog 4

Apr 13, 2024
Make it so CPs drop ammo on death, as of now theres not much of a point to kills cps unless with a melee since they drop no ammo in return.
they drop too many guns, you should be able to unload said guns AND get ammo from their bodies +1
You make it lol.
I have a stash of assault Ammo in my chest.
"you make it" with what gunpowder? that shit is genuinely just as rare as circuit boards so its impossible to have more than 3 boxes of ammo at any given moment
mfw the admins can /itemspawner
Impulse had CPS dropping ammo.. every server does..
Bruh, only 1 person has access to that and thats Imperial. Not even normal admins have it because it could be abused. Just farm booze and sell it to the BM and buy it from BM
Ammo dropping has been added to the Combine death loot system in the latest update. There's now a chance of ammo dropping when they die. There's also a chance for them to drop Riot Helmets. OTA have a chance of dropping Salvaged or Ruined OTA Vests.

Thanks for the suggestions!
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