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  1. neutral


  2. neutral

    Accepted Sheriff’s SqL CP Whitelist Application

    +1 I Don't want to seem biased, but Sheriff is probably one of my right hand mans when it comes to combat, I've seen him solo 2 Rebels without dying. He also knows how to act as an i1 and a very competent unit.
  3. neutral

    Accepted VICE Division Enhancements

    Yeah same, but since VICE are like the weaker version of OTA for CPs I think they should have a little protection.
  4. neutral

    Multi suggestion post (for CMB faction)

    I love this, but here are some flaws: 1: SMG Access Now, I do like the idea of CPs getting better equipment when it's bought. I don't think you should give them an SMG set specifically for 1 Division that requires 2 Whitelists is not necessary. Though the thought of it is cool, I don't think we...
  5. neutral

    New weaponry for MPF/OTA and Rebels

    +1 I really like the vice smg, but you forgot the link
  6. neutral


  7. neutral

    Accepted VICE Division Enhancements

    Vice should have access to /rappel since they are a specialist squad, aswell as SPS. Vice SPS will vary on rank, Ofc = 25 SPS, SqL= 30 SPS, DvL=40 SPS, DcO=40 SPS, CmD=60 SPS. This should be enough and it is fair since it IS lower than OTA SPS, (100+), the SPS amount can change if it doesnt...
  8. neutral

    Denied Half-Life Alyx Roleplay Addition

    I spoke to Seqelb (OTA Faction Lead) few days ago, We talked about this. Seqelb said we might keep the it the same like OG Impulse, No HLA. It's a good idea but, yeah.
  9. neutral

    Accepted defunction/deservicement option on the PDA

    This gotta be in the next update
  10. neutral

    Accepted CHEEKI-BREEKI_ OTA Supervisory app

    +1 You seem fit for the position, however I believe you are an OfC under the Civil Protection. I also will be getting someone to remove your rank as of now, If I can do it I will. Thanks for serving the CCA -Grid DvL, Neutral
  11. neutral

    I'm back baby!!!!!

    I'm back baby!!!!!
  12. neutral

    Here we are again.

    Well, I'm back. AGAIN, well not really. I will cut to the chase, I will be active here and there -Sincerely, Neutral
  13. neutral

    It's been fun.

    I will be back, as I cannot fix this computer issue and I am no longer have time to fix it
  14. neutral

    It's been fun.

    I will play sometimes, but very little
  15. neutral

    It's been fun.

    I hate to leave so early, I can no longer play gmod due to computer issues and random crashes. I have decided to cut my life from Gmod, Although I will be active on the Discord and Forums. I will not be playing Gmod, Maybe sometime later I will re-install gmod and say hi. Well, thats all...
  16. neutral

    Other Sterilization Credits and a PDA Overhaul

    Allow PDA to have BOL System, Defunct System (Ofc+), F6 Team ESP. Also add a Vendor that gives weapons and items for sterilization credits. Sterilization Credits or SC can be given for arresting a rebel/citizen, Killing rebel/citizen, confiscating weapons, or awarded by Command Authority (ofc+).
  17. neutral

    Accepted Combine Discord

    We need a combine discord!!!!
  18. neutral

    Other CWU Faction Revamp

    I would suggest a CWU Overhaul, Adding ICT and Ranks and such.