Accepted CHEEKI-BREEKI_ OTA Supervisory app

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Apr 15, 2024
General Information
Discord Username: cheekibreeki_
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:84428978
What rank are you applying for? ODL

Are you currently in a known rebel group? Not actively operating in any rebel group

Are you currently a supervisor within civil protection? I am currently leaving my CCA supervisory role due to OTA being the main faction that I play in.

General Questions

Do you have a microphone? Not required


Why should we pick you over other candidates?

I have been playing HL2RP For several years. OTA is "my main" faction that I always play and have complete knowledge about how this faction plays out, making me capable of helping develop and lead the faction.
You can expect a very active member with good leadership and extensive knowledge about the faction.

Here is a list of other servers I have played OTA in (reaching high ranks in some of them):

Interlock | Exodius | Willard: Nuevo Orden (spanish server) | Triage | Deep Gaming |

(Note: I have played more servers but cant find the discord and I dont remember their name this ones are mainly old Clockwork ones)

Specific Questions

An OWS is 10 codes, as a supervisor what do you do?

First off, Issue a warning to this asset telling him to NOT use CCA terminology and handing them the handbook (if he doesn't have it).
If this continues and the OWS intentionally disobeys the orders to not use the proper terminology I would give out a final warning and
as a last resort a diservicement or temporal blacklist from the faction depending on the gravity of their situation.

A EOW is speaking to a citizen, it seems like casual chit-chat, as a supervisor what do you do?

I would quickly call the asset and scold him for his actions as a single warning (because this is a serious infraction in the faction (I would again hand the unit the handbook and tell him to read it)) then ordering said asset to resolve due to a cognitive dissonance (to get a brainwash) or he would get recycled (Duty vacated).

If the EOW is found again acting like this, I would deservice him and give him a temporary blacklist for not following the basics rules.

You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active. What do you do?

(First thing, there is no reason for me to be patrolling alone) In this situation I would call general radio for all units to respond and hold the one entrance/exit to the building unit said active assets arrive to start a search on the infected building.

An EOW asset is purposefully going out onto plaza and refusing to listen to orders, as a supervisor what do you do?

If the unit completelly refuses to listen to direct orders I would mark the unit autonomus and call on radio for other Assets/Ground Protection Units to amputate the non-cohesive asset. (as well as giving a temporal blacklist due to OTA not being able to go "rogue" like this)

An i1 unit runs up to you and start screaming at you because you had let them die, as a supervisor what do you do?

(This is a clear case of NLR so first off try tell him what this means in OOC and call an admin if needed since its a SERVER RULE thats shoudnt be taken as IC) I tell him to hold and call a CCA supervisor (if available), If none respond I would give a single warning to the unit to remain cohesive.

If the unit remains uncohesive, I would mark him autonomus and amputate said unit.

(Still this situation I belive should be handled by an admin since its NLR)

A CA is being un-cohesive, speaking none approved languages and spreading anti-combine propaganda, what do you do?

I would inmediatelly mark him the CA autonomus and radio it for other units to amputate the CA.

Before the city can be returned to civil from Judgement waiver, what must CCA await for from OTA?

CCA Must wait for OTA to clear the entirety of OZ and SS as well as hold for OTA headcount (Condition alpha) before the city returns to civil code.

You are an OvC and condition Alpha is called by an ODL, what do you do?

(Im assuming every part of the city OZ and SS has been reported clear due to alpha being called) Prioritize alpha and move to waypoint for headcount.

The city is in Civil, however you see a bunch of civilians running across Upper Assembly train tracks. As a supervisor what do you do?

Since citizens running across the TT is not a reason to escalate (obviously) I would radio the situation for CCA to handle it
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