Search results

  1. seqelb

    Needs Consolidation Overwatch New divisions & models.

    In my opinion you can have these divisions and ranks just not with Alyx models
  2. seqelb

    Accepted An actual OTA faction

    In my humble opinion, RANGER would never have above 1-2 on at once, firstly this will be due to the XP requirement, secondly once the OTA leadership is and the desire to gain a promotion.
  3. seqelb

    Other rebel discord!

    Rebels can make the discord by themselves, admins don't need to be involved
  4. seqelb

    Accepted OZ Map

    Although I was already accustomed to the OZ from when another server used this map, I do admit this is very helpful.
  5. seqelb

    Denied Switch Sentinel to King..

    The faction is getting an actual structure and already had.
  6. seqelb

    Denied thing for rebels

    The point is that rebels struggle, they are meant to be resources limited in that way
  7. seqelb

    Denied New Divisions/Special Divisions

    There is a discussion for an OTA overhaul or atleast an expansion of OTA. But I don't really know what else CPs could get except maybe units carrying shields or shotguns
  8. seqelb

    Denied Switch Sentinel to King..

    If you refer to the thread "An actual OTA faction", I basically mention that there. I agree we do not need a entire division for guarding a CA.
  9. seqelb

    Accepted An actual OTA faction

    Well it would make sense for OTA to have a rank structure no?
  10. seqelb

    Accepted An actual OTA faction

    Well the map will expand so there will be outlands CA should get guards but not a guarding division and should be at the discretion of OTA leadership ^In the event of the above sentinel would become an elite division like the CP's have Curfew is dumb but also adds a little more to RP and makes...
  11. seqelb

    Other new map idea

    Agreed, I17 gets dull
  12. seqelb

    Other 2 map ideas

    It does seem like it focus's on the outlands more
  13. seqelb

    Other 2 map ideas

    City 9 looks really good for the server +1
  14. seqelb

    Other new map idea

    That is i17
  15. seqelb

    Other Wearable Rebel Vests

    Oh I didn't read the initial part nvm, mb
  16. seqelb

    Other Wearable Rebel Vests

    We are talking about rebel vests?
  17. seqelb

    Accepted An actual OTA faction

    in addition to this CA shouldn't get guards, they are not really that important to have dedicated OTA Elite's guarding them, if it was EA it would be different
  18. seqelb

    Denied Plaza catwalks

    Should be edited to this
  19. seqelb

    Accepted An actual OTA faction

    You have staff to stop CA's from abusing
  20. seqelb

    Accepted CP | OTA PDA
