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  1. Elsker


    We are so back
  2. Elsker


  3. Elsker

    Slow CA text announcements

    There should be a feature that makes CA broadcasts appear slowly to the server chat. What if each line of the CA's text paragraph appeared slowly in chat instead of all at once? The whole idea behind this simple little suggestion is to prevent a whole explosion of text from appearing in chat. I...
  4. Elsker

    GMod - HL2RP Vision Statement

    Our community still believes in our original vision statement. Users can soon expect features to be added over the next six months that will create a more RP-friendly atmosphere when in-game.
  5. Elsker

    Lets talk player retention

    I’m glad to state that we’ve been making great strides in development and I’m very excited for what the future has in store for us.
  6. Elsker

    This is now closed

    This is now closed
  7. Elsker

    Semi-Permanent Housing

    The semi-permanent building options would be the minority. The "buy a building and lose it when you disconnect" type of system will be in the majority. Also, players who decide to leave the community for a week or so after renting a building will have their bank account slowly drained. I think...
  8. Elsker

    Semi-Permanent Housing

    How would you guys feel if you were able to rent out in-game property (with tokens) over the course of real life days? We want to give people who work on the server a chance to own something to their name. We also have an idea of allowing people's props to be perma'd within their space. Thoughts?
  9. Elsker

    Other F6 Groups not letting other people Inv or Edit?

    We have not noticed any issues with the F6 system in game.
  10. Elsker

    If you wish to be apart of our HL2RP event team, please comment under this profile post. The...

    If you wish to be apart of our HL2RP event team, please comment under this profile post. The team will only contain a few people until we build our server up more.
  11. Elsker

    Sterilization Credits for the CP faction

    I think it's just generally a good idea to have some sort of a reward system for Civil Protection, however, it would be interesting if this idea went beyond just combat upgrades. It would be neat if there was SOMETHING super high up on the SC list that users would realllly want.
  12. Elsker

    CWU System and Static Propping

    I think we could incorporate some sort of permit-authorizing member of the CWU workforce in tandem with a more robust property ownership system.
  13. Elsker


  14. Elsker

    craftable / purchasable flashlight

    Flashlights being an item in-game means users would have more things to spend their money on-- which is good. We want users to have a diverse selection of things to buy in-game (with a majority of the items being non-illegals).
  15. Elsker


    If we allow a metal mining feature, it must be related to the civic populous/combine rule in some way and not simply be a farm for the Resistance.
  16. Elsker

    Lets talk player retention

    Imperial, as well as other members of upper management, have talked about the identity of the server in great lengths. We feel it is worthwhile to produce updates so as long as it has a measurable yield that can justify the time spent producing said content. Please refer to the comments spoken...
  17. Elsker

    I will be in Austria for the month of June. If anyone needs me, please send a message to my...

    I will be in Austria for the month of June. If anyone needs me, please send a message to my profile here. Thanks!
  18. Elsker

    PDA Update suggestion.

    If we do add the feature that changes a units model when being marked defunct we also should have a stipulation that this does not mean they are a rogue. I can easily see lower ranking CP's doing stupid things to get past a moderator who denied their rogue request.
  19. Elsker

    Other Sterilization Credits and a PDA Overhaul

    A PDA update is coming very soon!
  20. Elsker

    Other Forum use encouragement

    I think it would be good if we encouraged our Unturned player base to join us on the forums more. Maybe we could display a message every 10-15 minutes on each Unturned server encouraging people to register on the forums.