Sterilization Credits for the CP faction

I know a suggestion has been made on this beforehand, though I would like to spin my own view and add more insight to the possible update

The Idea of SC's for picking up contraband, the arrest of Anti-citizens, and the arrest of standard Non-citizens, instead of CPs killing every single rebel or noncitizen they see, they recognize the rewards that come with capturing a high level violator, and instead aim to provide a little RP, and a hearty reward depending on the situation. SC's should be used to buy gear, like SPS for CPs to say a little more protected, like a light and heavy armor, and even weapons that are locked to higher ranks, for example, an SqL being able to buy the 357 for 5 SC's, or an I1 grabbing himself a bonus health vile for 1 SC from the officer. Makes it actually worth the contraband picking and arresting, which in turn, adds a more RP friendly atmosphere. This would also work well for the Loyalist structure, Loyalist turning in weaponry or contraband, and in turn getting Loyalist Points, while the officer can reward himself with a neat firearm or bonus health viles from the contraband officer!

There should be a contraband officer in the CP armory, who both takes contraband and gives SC's depending on the level of contraband, for example, an Axe wont be going for a lot of SC's, but something like an OTA vest or an M14, would give you way more SC's cause these are evidently more dangerous, which also implies the officer bringing the contraband did very good work.

The giving of SC's through trainings/good work by OfC+

OfC's should be able to reward units who have done a good job and give them 2 or 3 SC's dependent on how well they did in a training, or just work in general, which could also give a reason to units to act cohesive and approaching combat situations more smart instead of rushing in for the first kill, and likely dying.

Thank you for reading my wall of text, if any member has a question about my suggestion, or even criticism, I'm excited to hear it!
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Reactions: Ginger and Sheriff
I think it's just generally a good idea to have some sort of a reward system for Civil Protection, however, it would be interesting if this idea went beyond just combat upgrades. It would be neat if there was SOMETHING super high up on the SC list that users would realllly want.
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Reactions: Hylix and Sheriff
Yeah I definitely agree with this system and like Elsker said I feel we should fine some other passive or even in-general beneficial rewards beyond combat, something to promote interaction. Could add on over time, but I definitely love this idea.
This is a good idea. Cause the idea of SC is very good for lower ranks and higher to get stuff to aid them in scenarios.

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