Search results

  1. Elsker

    Accepted Request medical assistance with the PDA

    We are planning on adding this to the PDA update.
  2. Elsker

    Other More items/work for cwu

    Refer to prior comment on your other thread regarding CWU.
  3. Elsker

    Other more cwu jobs

    There will come a time when we must begin working on the massive CWU overhaul that is so desperately needed in this game mode. We may pull from these ideas when that time comes.
  4. Elsker

    Accepted Non command units can make command waypoints

    This issue has been fixed.
  5. Elsker

    Other more ideas? come on ):

    We may add this in the future.
  6. Elsker

    Accepted CP | OTA PDA

  7. Elsker

    Accepted Quality of life changes

    SPS has been fixed and OTA can no longer break their legs.
  8. Elsker

    Accepted Clothing

    We will very likely add clothing to the server in a future update.
  9. Elsker

    Denied More loot

    Upper management does not feel that having loot spawns in the city would be helpful for the server RP environment. There would be an overabundance of loot on the server since they would be in the outlands, sewers, and now in the city.
  10. Elsker

    Other Make the personal storage crate be able to hold 200kg

    Base storage has been increased to 120 KG. Donators will also receive additional storage accordingly.
  11. Elsker

    Other Overwatch Transhuman Arm Model Replacement

    Already discussed in Upper Management meetings with Darwin.
  12. Elsker

    Denied Make GP less rare

    We do not see an immediate issue with how much gunpowder rebels can access. Over the coming months, we will see how frequently rebels attack and whether gunpowder negatively affects the server or faction.
  13. Elsker

    Accepted Le idea for taglines n stuff

    In the next PDA update, we will introduce more taglines for Civil Protection to use! :D
  14. Elsker

    Denied The stealth update suggestion for hl2 rp

    The third person command fulfills this role already.
  15. Elsker

    Other HUD

    I don't really see an issue with the photo, however, it may be necessary for Astronet to have its own HUD so we can stand out as a community. We ought to keep note of this, @Imperial Knight.
  16. Elsker

    Denied Vortigaunt Suggestion

    Currently, we view the Vort class as a special role that our donors can enjoy. We do not plan to make the faction whitelist only.
  17. Elsker

    Denied Switch Sentinel to King..

    Already discussed in factional leadership channels.
  18. Elsker

    Denied Add VJ to the server

    The VJ base system is a fantastic mod and a staple of modern Garry's Mod excellence. I've spoken with Imperial about this addon, and we don't feel there would be much use in adding it to the server. The instances when we would have massive NPC battles are likely very slim. We may look into this...
  19. Elsker

    Opinions on CA Job

    Hey guys, I want your opinions on a specific subject. How would you like a whitelisted CA job? We want to add more relevance to the CA and bring more RP to our server, and we're wondering if you guys would like a CA whitelist. A CA whitelist would make the server feel more "consistent" when...
  20. Elsker

    Combine Leadership Rules & Guidelines

    Rules & Guidelines for Combine Leadership A series of rules will be enacted to prevent issues with leadership and ensure that the City Administrator, Civil Protection and Overwatch Transhuman Arm factions remain fun and fair. All Combine leadership members are expected to have read this thread...