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  1. Elsker

    Other Improvement Fixes To Add

    Some of these ideas may work well for us in the future
  2. Elsker

    Accepted Health vial buff

    The health vial amount was increased a few days ago.
  3. Elsker

    I really care about community feedback, so expect more of these informal polls in the future.

    I really care about community feedback, so expect more of these informal polls in the future.
  4. Elsker

    What do you guys think is the most important thing we should work on for the HL2RP server...

    What do you guys think is the most important thing we should work on for the HL2RP server? Please leave a very short response to this post. Thanks! :)
  5. Elsker

    Denied Switch Sentinel to King..

    Huh? I’m not quite sure what you mean. I was replying to his statement about the CA not having really much to do.
  6. Elsker

    Accepted Map expansion

    I'm locking this thread since we have an outlands now with multiple quadrants. We also made a few buildings in the outlands ownable for any daring rebels wanting to base on OTA turf.
  7. Elsker

    Denied Switch Sentinel to King..

    SENTINELS's role will be more significant when we add more relevancy and civil power behind the city administrator. I have spoken to Imperial about ideas we could do to make the City Administrator a more imposing figure in the city.
  8. Elsker

    Other CWU body cleaner update idea

    We may consider adding this in the future. I'll let this thread remain open since I think a good conversation could be brewed about this topic.
  9. Elsker

    Denied new map idea for Half-Life 2 rp

    Locking and archiving this thread since we just changed maps. We also have an outlands on this map now.
  10. Elsker

    Denied imperial people want this map do you want it on hl2 rp?

    Locking and archiving this thread since we just changed maps.
  11. Elsker

    Other new map idea

    The map has changed to an updated version of I17. The next map rotation will not be I17.
  12. Elsker

    Other new car taxi/ride system

    Imperial and I spoke a week ago and briefly discussed the possibility of having small cars on the server for loyalists and such. Currently, we will be focusing on other needs of the community before we add cars. We may not use this exact mod, however we aren't saying there 100% won't be a car in...
  13. Elsker

    GMod - HL2RP Vision Statement

    Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to check out our HL2:RP server. Many servers have used this framework in the past, and each had opinions on how their server should function from a gameplay and management perspective. We learned much about prior servers from our community members...
  14. Elsker

    Other Weapon Mod Suggestion

    I am going to archive this since we've spoke in private and have determined that ARCCW would be way too powerful for the server.
  15. Elsker

    Accepted Combine Discord

    Silly @neutral...
  16. Elsker

    Other rebel discord!

    Astronet will not create a Discord for the resistance faction since the team is not centralized like the Combine. There is no "leader" of the Resistance. Users are welcome to make their own Discord servers for their groups. We may end up creating rules for RP group Discord servers in the future...
  17. Elsker

    Accepted An actual OTA faction

    I skimmed through some of the great discussion being had on this thread and I wanted to make a few quick points. Nepotism: I understand the desire to play on a server where everyone has a fair chance of getting to a good rank. I am willing to oversee and have checks in place to ensure fair...
  18. Elsker

    Accepted OZ Map

    It would definitely be smart to put this in the handbook @seqelb
  19. Elsker

    Accepted OZ Map

    @samialedav3, thank you for making this map! It will definitely help new players who play on the OTA. Good stuff (y)
  20. Elsker

    Other CWU Faction Revamp

    CWU is a faction that will require a massive overhaul if we want to expand RP on our server. There are so many great ideas for the CWU team that we could implement onto the server in the future. For now, I am going to lock this thread because we are not yet ready to dive into this area of...