Other Weapon Mod Suggestion

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This addon I believe would be a solid addition to the server if it's possible to implement it with the crafting system. It would allow for rebel players to have more variety for their firearm selection in the weapon workbench, and allow higher ranks of Civil Protection to have access to more powerful weapons, rather than being stuck with the same weapons for the next 6 ranks. Specifically, I'm suggesting that OfC+ receive access to the Spas-12 Shotgun in this pack, and if possible DcO+ get the Desert Eagle. Of course all of the weapons would be obtainable for rebels through crafting, depending on what upper management decides they should get access to of course. It does require two other mods to work properly, but those are listed on its workshop page.
I am going to archive this since we've spoke in private and have determined that ARCCW would be way too powerful for the server.
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