Search results

  1. Neo D'Winter

    Denied admin kept harassing us by following us home many times

    Hey there. after a few encounters and over 1 hour of being hunted down by you and your teammate i had gathered enough information and evidence as to determine that you were clearly making use of external apps to have an advantage in the game (hacks). Since I have submitted all my arguments and...
  2. Neo D'Winter

    Accepted Pushing back the 3/7 wipe to 4/7

    I support this idea.
  3. Neo D'Winter

    Denied Unturned ban Appeal

    thats correct, have in mind that the clips will have to show a really high level of gamesense. They should preferably be from before the time of your ban.
  4. Neo D'Winter

    Denied Unturned ban Appeal

    If there is no way on earth that you can show how your gameplay looks like and prove that your gamesense is incredibly over the average and you are a comp-ready player; This appeal will be denied. (It doesnt have to be clips of those fights from today, it would be definitive proof but is not...
  5. Neo D'Winter

    Denied Unturned ban Appeal

    Im sorry to break it to you, but clips submitted as evidence for your ban cannot be used for appealing. The clip that you are talking about is very against you when it comes about wheter you were hacking or not; Just "assuming" that the other player was flanking behind the rocks, to just take...
  6. Neo D'Winter

    Denied Unturned ban Appeal

    If there is not helpful information or evidence provided this appeal will be denied/marked as invalid. You cannot appeal a permanent ban just saying "i wasn't hacking"
  7. Neo D'Winter

    Denied Get rid of PEI and add Elver

    like there are no other wash creative server
  8. Neo D'Winter

    Reviewed Admin ubuse yeetmas/red

    The management team examined the evidence provided and carefully reviewed both chat and command logs. While Yeetmas's behavior was deemed inappropriate, it is important to note that the situation originated from a trolling staff-help call initiated by the user. In reality, there was no genuine...
  9. Neo D'Winter

    Denied Dragon buddy

    As i said in #╰・helpdesk: I'm gonna need the banned player and only the banned player to open a ticket in discord through Not their friend, or their family. I want to talk to Liam in discord to make things clear and come up...
  10. Neo D'Winter

    Denied Get rid of PEI and add Elver

    I think making PEI a creative server would be better :)
  11. Neo D'Winter

    Accepted Raid protection readjustment suggestion

    I believe that having the raid protection to be removed after 4 days since an user first logs in the server is fairly balanced and even reducing it to 3 days sounds still very fair and is a great help for the issue you brought on the table about experienced groups.
  12. Neo D'Winter

    Accepted Raid protection readjustment suggestion

    Raid protection should be readjusted and remain active even when the buildings owner is online. Its been happening lately that new players are the target of larger and richer groups to the point in which they get tracked down to their base and raided just because its easy and funny to abuse new...