Denied admin kept harassing us by following us home many times

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New member
Aug 2, 2024
  2. Reason for Ban:CHEATING?
  3. Reason for Appeal: admin kept following us home tping people and when we kept killing them he banned me for no reason
  4. Server/platform: a6 polaris pc
  5. Other information/evidence: i dont have any but i got a witness which was my teamate like bro fuck this admin he banned me for killing him with his armor then tped himself in our base then killed us
This will be handled by @Neo D'Winter and Unturned Management will be reviewing logs to determine any possible abuse claimed. If you have evidence, please add it to the thread. Thanks!
Hey there. after a few encounters and over 1 hour of being hunted down by you and your teammate i had gathered enough information and evidence as to determine that you were clearly making use of external apps to have an advantage in the game (hacks).

Since I have submitted all my arguments and evidence already, it should be now time for the rest of the management team to review everything, check the logs, make questions if needed, and then decide if I've either exercised my power right or not.
Hey there. after a few encounters with you and your teammate, and over 1 hour of being hunted down by you and your teammate i had gathered enough information and evidence as to determine that you were clearly making use of external apps to have an advantage in the game (hacks).

Since I have submitted all my arguments and evidence already, it should be now time for the rest of the management team to review everything, check the logs, make questions if needed, and then decide if I've either exercised my power right or not.
wheres the proof i wanna see
wheres the proof i wanna see
We will not be sharing the video evidence, but it does show hyper-sense that only someone with a cheat advantage would know (Tracking players outside of your base when it was completely enclosed) and multiple times of following and tracking players in combat.

I have thoroughly inspected the evidence and it is clear that there is a 3rd party software being used. Because of that, your appeal is denied and you can not appeal again for 12 months.

We hope to see you back and playing fairly when/if that time comes.
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