Accepted antlion gaming's OfC Whitelist CP Application

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General Information
Discord Username:
antlion gaming
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:428806659
What rank are you applying for?: OfC


Why are you applying for this position?:
The reason I'm applying is because I enjoy being a supervisor. I enjoy leading a team of people and instructing them on what to do, my strategies being used effectively to ensure no casualties and rewarding us with a well-earned victory that I can say to my units, "You did a great job" too. I love being a high rank and helping out my fellow units if they ever need assistance or have questions that I can answer. To summarise this, I just enjoy being helpful and being a leader. I'd love to bring more of that kind of energy and promote it to the Supervisor team whilst still maintaining that strictness The Combine is known for.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?:
I believe what separates me from a lot of the other applicants is my combat and attitude towards my units. I tend to strategize before heading into a fight, thinking of the best possible solution to ensure no one dies or we minimise casualties or damage rather than blindly rushing into an open doorway and getting mowed down by some Rebels behind some counter fully expecting us to run in and give them free loot. A phrase you could use is "thinking outside the box" you could say. I treat my units equally despite their ranks. I would personally not speak about any other units negatively because of their ranks. i4 to i3 and so forth have a lot of potential despite their rather low positions in the force and rather than making them out to be useless meatshields for the Supervisors and i1s, I feel as if every unit has a time they could shine and showcase their true potential. Overall, I think these are some of the reasons why I stand out from the rest of the applicants for these reasons. (Not trying to be rude, of course.)

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP):
I was a past OfC for Old Vanilla and a current RL for the New Vanilla server. I am also a Community Manager for the server which brings more leadership opportunities that I can use for future positions.

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?:
I'll attempt to be as active as possible but as of recently, I've been busy with College and exams.

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, but I prefer not to use it.


You’re in Nexus and an i4 comes up screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?:
I would first ask for the unit to suspend and ask him why he came up to my face and insulted me. If explained, I would nonetheless issue him a verbal warning and let him know that if the behavior is continued, this could lead to his de-servicement. Continued behavior will then lead to his amputation. If the unit is non-compliant and is refusing to explain why he is doing so and continuing his barrage of insults, I would let other Supervisor units know (if they're online) about the situation and work out a possible de-servicement of the unit due to non-cohesion. If I've gotten the go-ahead to de-service the unit, I would take him to a quiet and remote location, issue the de-servicement, and amputate him.

An i3 is being non-cohesive on the radio, saying things like “idk lol” or “dude I just killed that citizen lmao”. How would you respond?:
I would inform the units to stop the chatter on the radio and to stop using abbreviations like "LOL" and "LMAO" as it is FailRP and non-cohesive. Continued chatter on the radio despite the verbal warnings issued will lead to his eventual de-servicement (which would be checked up with other supervisors) where he'll be asked to come over to my 10-20 to a quiet and remote location to then promptly amputate him.

During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?:
I would correct the unit on what the correct charges are and change the citizen's charges to the correct ones via the terminal in the prison. I'd then explain some of the differences between the arrest he thought it was and what the correct one was and that he shouldn't be afraid to ask for help. I'd also make sure to tell him what the charges should be before he arrests anybody else, helping him settle in with the force and understanding the charges he's issuing.

You’re a DcO and an OfC loses his temper and deservices a unit for a minor infraction, which is against our rules. How would you punish the OfC?:
I'd ask them over the radio to come over to my 10-20 and explain to them why they can't issue de-servicements over just such minor infractions. Afterward, I'd warn them not to do so again and that losing their temper isn't a good excuse to de-service someone otherwise there could be a risk of demotion or Combine Ban if abused.
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Instead of leaving a +1 or a -1, I will name the negatives and positives of your application.

Positives: Your situation handling is superior to that of a normal ground unit, you have prior experience, which is useful on the CP force, and you have a friendly demeanor, you goof around, but make sure you don't do TOO much funny.

Negatives: On the last question, I would like a little more in depth, for example maybe explain what you would do if the OfC has done this previous times before.

Other than the few negatives in your application (which aren't even that bad) it looks good, I hope to have you on the force soon!

Hylix | DvL Victor-7.
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