Accepted antlion gaming's OvC Whitelist Application

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General Information
Discord Username: antlion gaming (ancision)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:428806659
What rank are you applying for?: OvC

Are you currently in a known rebel group?: No.

Are you currently a supervisor within Civil Protection?: Yes, I'm a Squad Leader.

General Questions
Do you have a microphone?: I do but I don't use it.

Why should we pick you over other candidates?: I want to bring my combat specialism over to OTA and strive to teach my fellow soldiers how to work as efficiently as possible without any issues that could compromise any objectives set for us such as Friendly Fire, performing Outland Zone sweeps correctly and quickly, or any losses during combat due to sloppy and un-coordinated movement whilst also maintaining seriousness and setting realistic expectations for each unit I teach.

Specific Questions
An OWS is speaking 10 codes, as a supervisor what do you do?: I would inform the OWS that he isn't utilizing proper terminology that an Overwatch Asset is meant to be using (as they are for Civil Protection), correct him, provide him the handbook so he could learn the codes, and notify him that if he continues to use codes after being informed, it could signify non-compliance and a possible demerit or even result in them being re-called and recycled if they continue.

An EOW is speaking to a citizen, it seems like casual chit-chat, as a supervisor what do you do?: I would demand them to suspend over the radio, I inform the EOW to only communicate to Citizens unless completely necessary (such as telling them to move along) as it is a waste of time and distracts him from what he's meant to be doing, also letting him know if he continues it can lead to his swift defunction. If he continues, it would signify non-compliance, which then I would issue defunction alongside a demerit.

You are a lone asset on patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, and other assets are active. What do you do?: I would maintain my position and keep my gun aimed at the building's entrance, maintaining cover in case I get fired upon. I call for backup and once they arrive, we can coordinate a plan to breach and amputate the Rebel and whoever else is in the building as efficiently as possible with minimal issues.

An EOW asset is purposefully going out onto the plaza and refusing to listen to orders, as a supervisor what do you do?: If they have refused my previous orders, I would issue immediate recyclement and a demerit. Because this issue is also an Out of Character issue as they are breaking the FailRP rule, I would look into getting the person Combine Banned.

An i1 unit runs up to you and starts screaming at you because you have let them die, as a supervisor what do you do?: I would ask a Civil Protection Supervisor to come to my location, once he arrives, I explain the situation and let him deal with the rest as I have no jurisdiction against CPs when a CP Supervisor is on. If however there are no Supervisors on duty, I would issue 2 warnings before finally giving them a demerit.

A CA is being un-cohesive, speaking non-approved languages, and spreading anti-combine propaganda, what do you do?: I would enter the City Administrator's Office, issue a defunction, and amputate the CA. If I am unable to deal with the Administrator, I would issue the defunction and ask for one of my units who are nearby to deal with it.

Before the city can be returned to civil from Judgement waiver, what must CCA await from OTA?: They must await confirmation that all sweeps are concluded and that all OTA units are ripcorded and are confirmed to be back at the Nexus after a headcount.

You are an OvC and condition Alpha is called by an ODL, what do you do?: I would get all my units to go to the waypoint and line up for a headcount.

The city is in Civil, however, you see a bunch of civilians running across the Plaza catwalk and you are located on the catwalks opposite the gate. As a supervisor what do you do?: I would inform units that Citizens are trespassing on the Plaza Catwalks, radio in that they could have access to an EMP or someone opened the door for them like possibly a Rogue and attempt to make my way there from my usual route to attempt to intercept or clear out the trespassers.
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Here's my opinion on your application split into both negative answers, and positive ones.

-The scenarios we're almost perfectly answered, I personally can't detect major problems, only minor ones which really don't matter that much.

- In the second question of General Questions, you answered in a very combat orientated way, while I do want good PvPers in my faction, I need people who can handle units as well.

I'm happy to say, that I will be supporting your run for OvC, thank you for applying!
Solid app

Just a couple of things I think would make it a solid 10

Using more terminology, I have read de-servicement on this app OVER AND OVER, so it doesn't get too repetitive use other words such as Recycle or Defunct

Stabilization Team: failure to treat identified local outbreak will force team recall and recycle
(this is an dispatch voice line to show you what I mean (a ST getting a warning to complete mission or die)

on the last question
The city is in Civil, however, you see a bunch of civilians running across the Plaza catwalk and you are located on the catwalks opposite the gate. As a supervisor what do you do?:

You must consider how the citizens are getting up there, both entrances are combine doors (meaning at least one of them has a EMP or a rogue unit)

Apart from that as I said solid app. I'd like to see you as an OvC.


* Citizen Catwalk question has been changed.
* Used less of "de-servicement" in the responses and changed it up so it isn't a repetition fest.
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