Accepted Ban Appeal

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New member
Jun 14, 2024
  1. SteamID/Unique ID: 76561199158735564
  2. Reason for Ban: i really dont know i think its blatant with no proofs
  3. Reason for Appeal: i dont have cheats AHHHHH baned me with no proofs and only for comments
  4. Server/platform: Unturned escalation
  5. Other information/evidence: nothing i dont have hacks idk you can make a SS
We are sorry that you have been banned without any proofs. We will be unbanning you and compensating for your time next time you log on (if youre in Discord, message Helpdesk or open a ticket)

The Moderator that banned you will be undergoing training of when/how to properly ban to correct this from further happening again.
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