Denied cabby application

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Aug 18, 2024

General Information​

Discord Username:cabby5854
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:813834661


Why are you applying for this position?:i would like to use the monitors and be a city administrator because i do not see it used often or in my opinion enough. I also want to make use of the cameras more and attempt to make more elaborate built rooms to add to the rp aspect of city administrators

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: i have a history of building and i hope to add more prop based aspects to broadcasts and hopefully being very active and throughout the day be a city administrator as much as i can while being on

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP): i have shown good enough leadership in another seriousrp gmod game mode named liver failure showing good enough leadership skills to obtain the kommandant rank in it which is only obtained by being handpicked by the games owner. the kommandant in liver failure leads the whole city and is the highest rank in that games police/military force meaning you have to be as cohesive and as professional as possible

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?: plenty of broadcasts civilian included game shows and note readings hopefully being able to use the monitors to their fullest extent

What sort of roleplay do you plan to bring to the faction and server in this position?:mostly broadcasts and interactions with civilians along with environments around the cameras to make broadcasts feel more lively. i will not attempt to lead or give any other combine orders as that is not what city administrators are allowed to do

Describe what makes a good city broadcast and what you might use the broadcast camera for: a good use of cameras and props optionally using commands like act cheer and act dance and whatnot and hopefully can include civilians or civic based things like notes or gameshows involving civilians


You’re in the Nexus and an i4 comes up to the CA's office screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?: ask him why hes doing this and radio it in for other units and telling him to go back to or interlock with his/a pt and trying to avoid questions he may ask that are vulgar or aggressive

Judgement Waiver has been activated in the city, what do you do during this situation?: if im outside try to run and go through as much grid barriers as i can going to either nexus a grid barrier protected hardpoint or a fob of some sorts if im being chased i willl take as many doors lockable as combine as i can

You receive a written letter from a claimed rebel source regarding a hostage, what do you do in this situation? i avoid broadcasting it trying to show as little suprised or scared emotion as possible making up a fake letter to read while looking and inspecting the note and when i can calmly explain it over the radio off set and take a break to ensure my own safety and the safety of any other members of the combine around me in the nexus

A Civil Protection SqL comes to your office to warn you that your broadcasts need to be more cohesive, what do you do? i take a break from the broadcast and carefully think about what ive said that can be wrong and how i can change what im doing and return on set shifting my manner to be more calm and cohesive and being careful as what to say
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Thanks for taking the time to make an application. I want to let you know that we've decided to not accept your application, but we want to provide a little guidance for the future if you decide to apply again. My recommendations for you would be to work on your writing skills some more and to be seen in game attempting to make RP. We want the CA role to be made up of players who are good at speaking and organizing RP no matter what role they decide to play. Either way, don't fret. You will be allowed to apply again in a month and, if you do what I recommended, should get the role.

Thanks for your understanding. I know getting an application denied sucks, but you will have other chances in the future to apply.

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