Accepted Change Stunstick Slowdown

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Sure, it is useful for stopping civillians who are running, but CPs run faster anyway and it seems like servers are always too extreme or too soft on minges in these types of cases. In any sort of close quarters combat it can effectively slow an armored rebel to a halt, essentially making it 1000x easier for CPs to shoot them. So rather than both parties using their surroundings to an advantage, a unit can just blind and freeze a rebel without much resistance.

While I believe it's an issue, I do not think it should be downright removed, being stunned should slow you, but i think it should maybe depend on body armour, and definitely not prevent you from moving at all for 5 seconds
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I really appreciate you recognizing the benefit of having the feature in the first place. I also understand the frustration by dying to a Civil Protection officer with a stunstick when fully armored up as a rebel. I wanted to ask you this: Do you think a fair compromise would be if wearable armors prevented the slow-down effect and just do damage? The blinding effect would still appear on screen, but the user would not be slowed if wearing something like an OTA vest. Let me know what you think about this! :samuel:
I really appreciate you recognizing the benefit of having the feature in the first place. I also understand the frustration by dying to a Civil Protection officer with a stunstick when fully armored up as a rebel. I wanted to ask you this: Do you think a fair compromise would be if wearable armors prevented the slow-down effect and just do damage? The blinding effect would still appear on screen, but the user would not be slowed if wearing something like an OTA vest. Let me know what you think about this! :samuel:
I have always held the opinion that armor shouldn't make a stunstick worthless in combat, but it ought to not to do the slow effect in my humble opinion
I'm going to let some other players add their opinions on this. Thanks for your comments regarding this feature. I'll likely forward this to Imperial if a good discussion forms here.
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A reasonable outcome for this, in my opinion, would be to remove the slowness effect only if you are wearing a rebel suit, so it only affects citizens/bluesuits
The point of the stunstick is to be able to beat someone with it, it is a discipline method to catch those who are being uncivil but are not up to be amputated. If you remove slowness etc etc there will be more incidents where CPs dgaf and just shoot the person. Essentially this is done to prevent NRP and RDM in cases where the civ just refuses to give up.

To prevent stun stick rushes by CPs.. its simple.. CPs should value their lives unless it is sacrifice code. So if a CP rushes you report them to a admin and/or a OfC+ out of RP.
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I have submitted this idea to Imperial along with a few other community suggestions. We have decided to apply the "planned" label to this thread since we're going to likely make a change to how stunsticks work in the future. :)
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