Accepted Civil Protection Suggestions

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John Adams

New member
Apr 10, 2024
Put the Gun dealer and rank dealer in the same room and when you change teams to Civil Protection teleport them to the nexus.
Put the Gun dealer and rank dealer in the same room and when you change teams to Civil Protection teleport them to the nexus.
I can see this being an annoyance to users trying to flag up as Civil Protection, however...
I actually spoke about this with Imperial not long ago. He said it's that way to balance Civil Protection, so they take a bit longer to go back into combat after dying.
If the intention is to act as a "natural" NLR timer, then it makes sense to keep the NPCs apart.

We can either have the distance between the NPCs act as a form of NLR timer, or have a hard coded feature limiting job changes so that we can place the CP NPCs together. Food for thought!
We've decided to try out this change in the latest update. The CP requisitions is now close to the rank division NPC. Additionally, a new Reinforced Ammo Crate (undrillable) has been added to the area. We'll keep an eye on how this impacts the balance of CIvil Protection and the rest of the server.
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