HL2RP Community Manager & Advisor
Comm Mgr
Upper Management
Helix Program
Garry's Mod
Rules & Guidelines for Combine Leadership
A series of rules will be enacted to prevent issues with leadership and ensure that the City Administrator, Civil Protection and Overwatch Transhuman Arm factions remain fun and fair. All Combine leadership members are expected to have read this thread.- Upper management reserves the right to remove any user's whitelist for any reason. The likelihood of upper management removing a whitelist is very slim. However, this provision exists incase a user is unfit to hold a whitelist. Upper management also reserves the right to give a user a whitelist without faction approval, but this is almost never going to happen.
- The OWC and CMD ranks will be limited to four-month term limits. The reasoning behind this rule is to allow other users to run the faction and limit power consolidation. Upper management decides who will become faction leaders.
- Upper management will select a new leader if the faction leader resigns or gets demoted. A new term starts with the appointment of a new user. We will not have "standing" faction leaders—i.e., people who pick up the remainder of a term.
- Once the faction leader hands over factional control to the newly appointed user, the former rank holder will be offered the second highest rank in their respective faction if their conduct has been good.
- Users who were former faction leaders are not exempt from the rules and can have their whitelists removed for bad conduct.
- Former faction leaders are not required to accept a high rank within a faction after their term has ended.
- The City Administrator rank will be limited to a 45-day term; however, multiple CAs can be whitelisted at the same time.
- When a CA's term ends, they must wait 45 days before re-applying for the role.
- Specialized whitelist divisions have certain prerequisites that must be met:
- OTA KING division whitelists require the person at least be an OVC rank or higher.
- CP VICE division whitelists require the person to be at least an OfC rank or higher.
- Abuse of special combine commands afforded to leadership members will not be tolerated.
- For example, changing a user's whitelist to reset a tagline is prohibited unless it is a legitimate promotion.
- Learn how to resolve disputes.
- There will likely be many instances where decisions that might upset certain users need to be made. A smart whitelisted user knows how to handle issues between people peacefully and maturely. Management will always be happy to guide faction leadership during difficult situations. However, everyone should seek out the most satisfying solution without staff intervention.
- Hold meetings to allow leadership to express their opinions.
- Even if lower-ranking faction leadership does not possess the ability to promote a user in game, their opinions should still be heard by upper leadership during meetings. Upper faction leadership should endeavor to hear out the views of other whitelisted users. Promotions and demotions need to be discussed before they are executed. Faction leaders reserve the right to make the ultimate decision in these cases.
- Maintain healthy operational security.
- It is important to understand that UU-related Discords will be viewed by many people, so messages sent by former leaders might be able to be viewed by newly promoted users. Please do not share sensitive opinions or information within leadership channels. We do not expect a sterile environment within the faction leadership channels, but there should be a professional vibe just a little bit.
- Train your faction members to temper their emotions.
- Roundy civilians, rebels, trolls and minges can all get on the nerves of the UU. Remember-- it's only a game, so make sure your men know how to remain calm when things get tense.
- Remember-- you represent the server and our community.
- Please represent Astronet well! <3
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