Accepted Fishy OFC request

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New member
Apr 13, 2024
General Information

Discord Username: Fishy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:162595846
What rank are you applying for?: OFC


Why are you applying for this position?: I am applying for this position mainly because I have alot of experience as a High ranking Officer, I was a OFC And High Ranking within the following Servers, OFC in DG , 2nd Lieutenant in Civil Gamers SCP RP, T&D Member (Sub-Division that made documents For the Division), To add upon this I have a High amount of hour's within GMOD HL2RP, With over 500 Hours on Deep gaming alone, I believe that am a strong fit for OFC, as I can contribute in many ways, Leadership, Document Making, Development, ETC.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I am making this application for 3 main reasons, 1 I have alot of Past experience in leading, 2 I am active on this server 3 I can make documents and more for this server.

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP): OFC DG, 2ND LT SCPRP

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?: Active on weekends, can sometimes be on weekdays

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes


You’re in nexus and an i4 comes up screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?: I would attempt to call down the I4, try to De-escalate the situation, because if a I4 went up to me cursing me that is baiting, the i4 could be a rouge and is baiting me to attack him so we can enact Self defense, i would try to understand his intention's, Maybe i have started unwanted Conflict maybe not?, i would try to get to the bottom of everything and offer the I4 training when the situation De-escalates

An i3 is being non-cohesive on the radio, saying things like “idk lol” or “dude I just killed that citizen lmao”. How would you respond?: Bring them aside, and correct there behaviour, when i pull aside the i3 i would teach the i3 basic radio ettiquete, Such as how to communicate with the Civic Populus and how to Communicate with other CP and OTA unit's.

During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?: I would tell the i4 what's the mistake that he had done, Afterall communication is key, then i would pull the I4 as-side and explain there error, then i would teach them the charges, What they mean, and who should they be given to.

You’re a DcO and an OfC loses his temper and deservices a unit for a minor infraction, which is against our rules. How would you punish the OfC?: For losing his temper as a OFC is a issue in it self, but de-servicing someone for a minor infraction is a bigger issue, Depending on the OFC's history he would get a Strike or a Demotion, if he has a past with losing his temper and deservicing units, he would get demoted and removed from OFC, if he had no past with this he would only get a strike
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