Other Game Hosts (Rework)

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hola what Ima be doing here is making a rework of my GH suggestion putting it in a more Visible way for people who didn't get it! so lets get started with my first topic!

What Would GHs Do?.
basically game hosts would go around actively making scenes in RP to make it more fun and active for role-players they would also sometimes act as a sort of NPC Type of player often giving players quests for rewards ect ect theres many scenes you could do as a GH for example the other week i made one of the residential block bridges by the trainstation collapse! or maybe you could do something like a combine piece of tech has failed to operate resulting in the combines doors malfunctioning! as i said there is so much to do!
How Would This Be Beneficial (RP Stance).
RP wise this could be beneficial as For example back to the bridge collapsing idea it makes RP Way more intuitive and gives something for players to do for example since the bridge collapsed it became a major issue as it stopped people leaving the city and coming into the city CPs could get Civil workers to Clean up the Collapse and communicate more with people this could also lead to some character development with characters talking about the issue across the city! there is a lot of ways more things like this could expand RP as well
How Would This Be Beneficial (Server Stance)
this could be benifitial to the server as more RP =More Players = More activity in the server. so moresituations that game hosts make the more active the server will
hopefully become! game hosts could also be used as helpers within the game so instead of mods or admins immediately having to respond the game masters could
see if it is a issue they could handle for example small issues like ppl getting stuck glitched ect ect!
thank you for reading this its just a short little post about why i Heavily think this should be a thing and Yes IK ive posted this before i just wanted to Refurbish it a bit and PLEASE Like always lmk any ways to improvei will put it in and state whos gone and said it!

i hope you all have a great day and adios amigos

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+1 support

I believe that gamehosts are trully important if there is lack of roleplay or activity as creating events can drag new and old players to the server.
For when server is full they add so much needed diversion and new expierences to the server, which I also can get behind.
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