Accepted Hylix's OTA Application

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Apr 12, 2024
General Information
Discord Username: hylix143
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:614607592
What rank are you applying for? Overwatch Captain

Are you currently in a known rebel group?: No, I'm not.

Are you currently a supervisor within civil protection?: Yes, I am a DvL on Civil Protection.

General Questions
Do you have a microphone? Yes I do, I choose not to speak In game since I can type faster.

Why should we pick you over other candidates?: I believe I should be picked for OvC because, With my current rank of Division Leader within the Civil Protection, combined with prior knowledge on servers like; Nova Aurora - 80% (OfC), Vanilla - RL (SqL) and other platforms too. I also have combat knowledge that surpass normal units, I know how to deal with defunct units, holdouts and incursions correctly, and know what to do when it has to be done, I know all of the terminology and how to act at all times, I am a educational and charismatic leader, and teach people tactics daily. I can be very active on the server, unless I have school work or other needs to attend to.

Specific Questions
An OWS is 10 codes, as a supervisor what do you do?:

I quickly tell him to suspend, after I tell him to suspend I would explain why we don't use CP terminology and give him the handbook to ensure this doesn't happen again.

A EOW is speaking to a citizen, it seems like casual chit-chat, as a supervisor what do you do?:

I would order the EOW to suspend and to resolve and return to his duties over the radio, if he does not listen, I would recycle him since this is not supposed to happen at all, and return to my duties.

You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active. What do you do?:

I would order an ST to move to my current location, then I would hold the entrance to the building, ensuring the rebel has no chance to escape, after the ST arrives, we will all move in and deal with the rebel accordingly.

An EOW asset is purposefully going out onto plaza and refusing to listen to orders, as a supervisor what do you do?:

If he is not listening to my orders at all, I would mark him defunct and either deal with him myself, or get other units near the defunct to amputate the asset, if this has happened before, I would speak to higherups and get him blacklisted from OTA for a week.

An i1 unit runs up to you and start screaming at you because you had let them die, as a supervisor what do you do?:

I would tell the i1 to suspend, if the i1 does not suspend, I would call in for a CP supervisor to deal with him, in the event of there not being an active CP supervisor active, I would give the unit one more warning before marking him defunct and recycling him, and also call an admin after the situation has been dealt with, since this is a rule break on the server.

A CA is being un-cohesive, speaking none approved languages and spreading anti-combine propaganda, what do you do?: I would mark the CA defunct and get a Sentinel or other units to amputate him.

Before the city can be returned to civil from Judgement waiver, what must CCA await for from OTA?:

Condition Alpha (condition Alpha is ensuring all OTA units are accounted for ensuring no loose OTA being in the city/sewers while its civil.)

You are an OvC and condition Alpha is called by an ODL, what do you do?:

I would immediately respond to the condition Alpha ping and ensure all of my ST is accounted for.

The city is in Civil, however you see a bunch of civilians running across Upper Assembly train tracks. As a supervisor what do you do?:

I would radio it in, and let Civil Protection deal with the loose citizens.
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Specially after sweeping OZ with him and seeing how he moves responds and plays with the faction as well as with the answers in the app for me it seems like a good fit.

I also have point out the good use of terminology in the app really looks like he knows the faction.

+1 very good use of codes and terminology both ingame and on this app, have PTed and patrolled with multiple times as well as been a victim of their sweeps and seen the efficiency. Very capable player and supervisor alongside this being a well done application.
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