IED portable detonator

Alright. Obviously we all know the one way to detonate an IED is going to the sewer, finding that radio, setting frequency, type, bam. Explosion! Personally I feel this..

That is great. However, in other HL2RP impulse servers there has been remote detonators for IEDS. I think adding this, it can be fair game by making it a bit expensive to craft, similar to the IED, but maybe a bit tiny more expensive. Doing this can make a great alternative way for fun all around with IEDS, even for clips. Who doesn't like a great IED clip? And usually you can do it more perfect time with a detonator. Also a lot of times people get 2 other people. Some dude usually gets the role of a carrier, carrying it towards crowds, the other possibly baits combine, and then there is the detonator, who misses out on the action he has a big part in. What if someone wants to do it solo? This can also be good for an event if an event host wants to use an IED to add to the spice, to the story, etc. Goes back to the detonator part though, they will miss it. Some good pro's that can come out of adding it too is this.

Solo IEDS, someone placing it at a perfect time, waiting for combine to walk past it, bam.
Someone places it, runs at them carrying it, mid running they can detonate it.
This can also lead to strategical rebellious attacks, for this as an example.

I am known for an IED manic in another server of impulse. I do so many, and I have done quite a few here too. At one point, there was a combine ceremony for crowning a new CmD, in which me and some others decided to go ahead and plan a 3 IED explosion attack. Clips below of different POVS.

And that is why I feel the remote detonator should be added.
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