Denied JonahFoxyDaNoob's whitelist app

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New member
Apr 18, 2024
General Information
Discord Username: JonahFoxyDaNoob
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:584402662
What rank are you applying for? OvC

Are you currently in a known rebel group? kind of

Are you currently a supervisor within civil protection? nope

General Questions
Do you have a microphone? Not at the moment

Why should we pick you over other candidates? So, you will expect seriousness from me, on the server a lot, and trying my darn best! I have played some OTA on other servers so I have some experience with OTA. I read the OTA handbook including the OTA Clarifications Doc, so that I know what I am doing. I will help my lower ranking units be their perfect selves.

Specific Questions
An OWS is 10 codes, as a supervisor what do you do? I tell them to stop using them cause they are only for ground protection teams only. I then proceed to tell him to use the terminology and codes in the OTA handbook. If I still see him using it I tell him "OWS I have already said to use the OTA handbook codes not the 10 codes for the Ground protection teams." If he continues this behavior two more times he gets de-serviced, and a demerit for not complying to a supervisor.

A EOW is speaking to a citizen, it seems like casual chit-chat, as a supervisor what do you do? I walk up to them and I tell the EOW to suspend communication with civilians via the team radio, and if I see him doing it again he will face re-cyclement. I then take it to Looc chat and tell him he could just talk to the citizen via that so he wont get in trouble for IC things. If he continues to talk to the citizen IC I re-cycle the EOW, give him a demerit, and report him for failRP.

You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active. What do you do? I make sure I'm aware this could be bait, so I call for some active assets and make sure to tell them "a Malignant ran into a building who might be bait for a larger group of Hostiles. So, I hold outside of the only entrance once back up arrives they will hold the only entrance as well. We wait for them to try pushing us or to starve if they don't have food.

An EOW asset is purposefully going out onto plaza and refusing to listen to orders, as a supervisor what do you do? I would tell the EOW over radio to return to nexus if he doesn't I then get him de-serviced.

An i1 unit runs up to you and start screaming at you because you had let them die, as a supervisor what do you do? I say to the angry I1 "Act cohesive I1." I then tell him through LOOC that he is breaking the NLR rule by yelling at me IC. If he still hasn't calmed down and he is still bugging me about it i say "I1 if you keep acting un-cohesive you will be de-serviced." Then after this if he still is angry and yelling I de-service him, I also make an F3 about his behavior of breaking NLR.

A CA is being un-cohesive, speaking none approved languages and spreading anti-combine propaganda, what do you do? I go up there and de-service the CA. It is because he is spreading anti-combine propaganda which is him basically announcing he is a rebel which is a immediate de-servicment.

Before the city can be returned to civil from Judgement waiver, what must CCA await for from OTA? A Condition: Alpha this ensures that all OTA units have not been left behind.

You are an OvC and condition Alpha is called by an ODL, what do you do? I go to the waypoint and get in line to wait till JW is over. A ODL is a higher rank then OvC

The city is in Civil, however you see a bunch of civilians running across Plaza catwalk and you are located on the catwalks opposite next to the gate. As a supervisor what do you do? I make my way over the other side to amputate the citizens. Before that I radio it in making sure all other assets know so the citizens will get amputated quicker.
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In my opinion most of the answers you gave need more detail, specially the ones where you have to punish people supervisors must know how and when to give warnings or punishments for misconduct.

Me personally, I haven't been able to see you much in game but from the encounter we had I believe you still need a little more experience. As an example not showing emotions when you speak as a Overwatch soldier.

Not going to give you a +1 or -1 on the app, however as I said before it needs more detail in my opinion.


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This application has Very few problems, which can be fixed easily, I'll be explaining them now.

The first problem I sensed on this application, very few questions are in-depth and show effort, an example would be;

You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active.
Your answer was mediocre, and wasn't explaining very much, for example, instead of just saying the basics, explain what you would do ingame, you have ask yourself different questions like; "Is this rebel alone, or is he just bait for an even larger scale holdout?" also this question even says, that the building has no other exits, I would just hold the only exit out, and wait for assets to turn up, then finish and investigate with a sweep to see if your suspicion was right.

Moving to the rest of your application, while they do explain the basic stuff, I would add more integrity.

Other than these few mistakes, your application is a decent one, I would love for you to have a chance at the ranking of OvC!
+/- 1
Yap session time.

Well written but flaws are present.

"An EOW is talking to a citizen", You didn't need to type a sentence cause OTA can speak sentences but only in combat or communicating. Typical OTA wouldn't say "Stop Talking to Citizens", They would've said "Suspend" or "Cease". Of Course, the EOW isn't supposed to be talking to anybody.

Next up, "An EOW is not listening to orders and walking into plaza". In my opinion, you should give the EOW 1 warning before preforming any deservicement. Yet, You have the right to deservice them since they already were denying orders.

I'm done talking.
First thing I apreaciate the effort and attention your putting on the app since you edited it.

Although I see flaws in your edit. OTA punishments are meant to be a lot harsher than MPF.

I'll give you 2 "hints" to help improve the app

1- being un-cohesive speaking non aproved lenguage and anti-combine propaganda are 3 different "crimes" with different punishments, the thing to point out is that one of them is going directly against the combine, (the rebel propaganda/anti-combine propaganda) that would come with a much unforgiving punishment.

2- Overwatch communication is to be kept at minimun and clear as possible speaking only to other OTA assets or MPF units when necessary, only ever speaking to civilians to give them warnings. Any unit that doesnt comply with this is a defective unit with no use to the combine.

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