Accepted Matters CA Application

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General Information​

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Why are you applying for this position?:
I'm applying for City Administrator because I enjoy the RP aspect of the game mode. I feel as if that having this whitelist would encourage myself to roleplay a lot more, with both CP's and Citizens, whilst showing a professionally UU standard aspect to it.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?:
I believe you should choose me because of my wide variety of knowledge about the faction, and my comprehension and punctuation to allow and show everybody that it's shown as professional standard. I should also be chosen for this role for the activity and presence that will be included.

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP):
My prior experience is from different communities, where I've been a maximum rank of Deputy City Administrator of a faction, which involved a fair amount of members.

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?:
You will see constant activity whilst on the server, on-top of my current moderation/administration duties.

What sort of roleplay do you plan to bring to the faction and server in this position?:
I try to bring a serious aspect to situations that require it, however that is adaptable to the suitability of the player. I want to be serving the whitelist as if it's taken seriously, and being the role of a city administrator requires a lot of trust both from the union and it's citizens. Not only that, but I want to show that there are a lot of different aspects to the role that can be done, such as civil events and broadcasts with propaganda to change the atmosphere to the game.

Describe what makes a good city broadcast and what you might use the broadcast camera for:
A good city broadcast would include various messages of propaganda, messages, updates and requests from commanding units to inform citizens of things. A broadcasting camera is good for projecting your face around the city whilst speaking these messages to give a sense of immersion that you are the one that's broadcasting.


You’re in the Nexus and an i4 comes up to the CA's office screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?:
It would really depend on why the unit came up and did it in the first place, I would make an attempt on trying to calm the unit down and discuss the issue with them. Regardless of the issue, the issue will be reported to a commanding unit with evidence, and will be handled by them.

Judgement Waiver has been activated in the city, what do you do during this situation?:
I would remain inside the safety of the nexus, whilst listening to chatter between units, constantly evaluating the safety of myself and making an attempt to keep citizens informed.

You receive a written letter from a claimed rebel source regarding a hostage, what do you do in this situation?
I would question where the letter came from, who obtained it, and why it wasn't given to an officer. In this situation the matter would be given to an officer to handle as there is nothing that I as a CA could do.

A Civil Protection SqL comes to your office to warn you that your broadcasts need to be more cohesive, what do you do?

I would question the SqL on what was not deemed not cohesive, to ensure clarity is ensured on the next broadcast that is done, I would then ensure that all future broadcast standards are up to cohesion standards.
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Very well done application by a person who seems to fully understand the limits of CA and it’s position, as well as presented good points on representation and conduct as CA.

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You will be granted access to the administrator job today. Have fun playing the role, and encourage RP wherever possible.
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