Accepted - Medic.jpg's OfC Application -

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Jul 29, 2024
General Information

Discord Username:

-> medic.jpg

Steam ID:

-> STEAM_0:0:559985372

What rank are you applying for?:

-> OfC


Why are you applying for this position?:

-> I want to apply for OfC because I believe that my vast amount of experience as a supervisor can really benefit the faction. I am a fair leader, and I believe I can be a good role model for the lower-ranking CP units. In general, I wanna help out and bring my expertise to this server. If I get accepted, I look forward to dedicating myself to the faction, assisting the rest of the supervisors and educating new CP players on the basics.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?:

-> I think I would be a good pick for OfC because of my extensive leadership experience on the Civil Protection faction and my dedication to it. I am good at making quick-time decisions, and my ability to lead Patrol Teams. I preserve my PT members as much as possible, and I am also a good strategist. Therefore, I am able to apply tactics during combat, and not just mindless "rush and shoot rebel, then proceed to die in their sightlines". This may include flank routes and in turn catching the rebels off-guard, or blinding rebels with tear gas BEFORE rushing, for example. Something I have carried on from when I was SqL on vanilla was to do PT Assignments. Given there's enough i1s online, I'd give them all different objectives and keep them in check. I am also a just leader, and I reward units for good work and motivate them.

In the event that there is high rebel activity within the city, I'd form a PT consisting of armed CPs, with preferably SMGs, and then try to find the best way to attack the rebels that isn't just rushing, and then hopefully neutralize the threat and secure the area. My communication skills are also very effective, and I can easily communicate with other units and supervisors, and I also love to teach fresh units on what and what not to do. I also enjoy doing enjoyable passive roleplay every now and then, so the experience wouldn't be dry when there's no rebelling.

Other than that, I can be online almost every day of the week unless I am occupied by something, such as school or personal life.

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions?:

Landis: Whitelisted i1
Vanilla: Squad Leader, Overwatch LDR
Destructional Subversion Insurgency (Nova Aurora Rebel group): 1st Lieutenant
Nova Aurora: Rank Leader
Industrial E3 HL2RP: GRID Division Leader

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?:

-> As I said, I can be online almost every day of the week unless I am occupied.

Do you have a working microphone?:

-> Not currently as I only recently made the shift from a laptop into a PC, and alot of things are still missing from my setup. I plan on getting one when I get the money.


You’re in nexus and an i4 comes up screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?:

-> I would tell the unit to suspend. I would then take him to a private area, before asking why he was insulting me. Regardless of his answer, I would give him a re-education as he insulted a fellow unit. If he comes back to me after again with insults, the unit will be taken to a private area and marked defunct. After the unit's amputation, I would report it on the radio as a defunction and to disregard the biosignal loss.

An i3 is being non-cohesive on the radio, saying things like “idk lol” or “dude I just killed that citizen lmao”. How would you respond?:

-> I'd tell said i3 to suspend immediately. If he does not comply after a verbal warning and ignores said warning, I would order the i3 to come to a location away from the public, before marking him defunct as his non-cohesion implies he is unfit to continue duty after consulting the other higher-ups for confirmation. After the defunction, I would report it on the radio, informing other on-duty units to disregard the biosignal loss.

During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?:

-> Considering it's an i4 that is new to the force, I would be lenient as it is an honest mistake. I would educate the i4 on the civil charges, making sure he doesn't make the same mistake again. I would also advise him to read up on the Civil Protection Handbook so the i4 avoids any other future errors. And if possible, I would change the citizen's charges to the correct ones.

You’re a DcO and an OfC loses his temper and deservices a unit for a minor infraction, which is against our rules. How would you punish the OfC?:

-> Firstly, I would bring the OfC aside. Then, I would ask him why he saw deservicing the unit a valid punishment for such a minor infraction. If it is the OfC's first infraction, I would let it slide via a verbal warning. If he continues doing similar acts in the future, then it shows that the OfC is unfit for duty due to his quick temper, resulting in a more severe punishment, or even demotion.
I think you'd be a good member of the Civil Protection faction, but it would be nice to see you have some more time playing Astronet under your belt (y)
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I think you'd be a good member of the Civil Protection faction, but it would be nice to see you have some more time playing Astronet under your belt (y)
That's reasonable. I've been trying to get to know everyone in the community and play more often, thanks for the feedback :)
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