Accepted Moldycheese6124's DvL application

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Apr 12, 2024
General Information

Discord Username: Moldycheese6124
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:614607592
What rank are you applying for?: Division Leader


Why are you applying for this position?: I believe i am fit for the DvL position because, i have prior experience on different Impulse servers, I was an RL on Vanilla (Which is basically SqL in normal Impulse terms) i also have knowledge on how to lead correctly, I also am very professional and am always free to help my colleagues anytime they need something, i also have good combat experience and know how to deal which even the most complex rebel holdouts, I am also very fair towards rebel players OOC, and stick to the rules to ensure that everyone has a clean experience on the server.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I believe i should be chosen over other applicants because, i have leadership skills that most people do not possess, along with a set of combat skills that many also do not have, i know how to deal with the most stressful situations in a calm manner, and know what to do if someone does something wrong on the force, along with my previous knowledge on SqL, i believe i am a good fit over other applicants.

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP): I had a leadership on vanilla, i used to be a RL (SqL) and had experience on Fivem with being a Lieutenant for the police force.

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?: I am very active throughout the day, and usually only get off when i have school, or need to study for something.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, i have a working microphone.


You’re in nexus and an i4 comes up screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?: I would tell the i4 to Suspend, if the i4 does not listen to my commands, i would re-educate him, if he doesn't stop after the 2 previous warnings, i would mark him autonomous and deal with him accordingly.

An i3 is being non-cohesive on the radio, saying things like “idk lol” or “dude I just killed that citizen lmao”. How would you respond?: I would tell the i3 to Suspend the non-cohesive talk on the radio, if the i3 doesn't suspend, i would order him to the nexus and give him a re-education, if he doesn't listen after the 2 warnings, i would mark him autonomous and amputate the unit.

During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?: I would first ask what the citizen was charged for, after understanding what the i4 did wrong, i would correct the i4 in a respectful manner, and settle the problem.

You’re a DcO and an OfC loses his temper and deservices a unit for a minor infraction, which is against our rules. How would you punish the OfC?: First, i would make a F3 to the admins since this is an OOC problem and needs to be dealt with by admins, after the problem has been dealt with, dependent on how many times this OfC has caused issues, i would either check with other supervisors to see if this has been a reoccurring problem, if this has then i would file a demotion against the OfC and get his rank removed, if this is the first offence on the OfC i would give him a whitelist strike, and tell him what he did wrong so this wouldn't happen again.
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Sure was a rank leader, didn't get to experience him much; however, as Vanilla wasn't where I spent a lot of my time.
This is a well-written application, and DvLs with experience are urgently needed.
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