Accepted Neutral's CA App (#NeutralforCA2024)

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General Information​

Discord Username: Neutral (_superrr_)
Steam ID: 988674758319173652


Why are you applying for this position?:

I've always liked the City Administrator faction, I used to run a full-fledged show with ad breaks, weather channels, and Gameshows.
I used to see a lot of minges playing CA just to FRP on purpose and cause problems like Promoting Rebels, Saying out of Pocket stuff, Etc.
I want to make that less of a issue than before.

Why should we choose you over other applicants?:

City Administrator is something that should be earned and not given, most people prefer to earn something than be given.
I want to earn the position and make this HL2RP More immersive as a CA. The position comes with responsibility which I know sounds weird
in a HL2RP stance (its a game), Aside from that I think I would be a great CA

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP):

I am the current DcO for the CP Faction aswell as a DvL Prior, I have played as an Ofc for a Failed HL2RP
which I have a video of.

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?:

I choose to be active when there are 3 or more people online, I am always active on the Forums and discord aswell as the server.
I'm only inactive when I'm doing something irl, which I will let someone know if I have to.

What sort of roleplay do you plan to bring to the faction and server in this position?:

I want to bring shows, weather channels, news casts, speeches and many more.
I like to listen to the civilians and I do letter reading to address anything that has been asked, and I would give my outright opinion on it.
I would also like to run talk shows where I can bring up 1-2 Civilians and ask them how they are and how they like living in the City.

Describe what makes a good city broadcast and what you might use the broadcast camera for:

I think what makes a good broadcast is starting with the intro of a broadcast, Next I will welcome to listeners and civilians of City 24.
Then I would tell everyone to stop what they are doing to listen to the C24 Anthem and thank the Benefactors, Then begin with a weather forecast.
I will then cut to a speech that would last for about 5-8 minutes, and then I would end it with a quick letter and Thank everyone for watching.


You’re in the Nexus and an i4 comes up to the CA's office screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?:

I would first ask the i4 what the problem is, I would then call up OTA and a CP supervisor. I would tell the OTA to escort the i4 out.
Then I would talk to the Civil Protection SV and inform them on what the i4 was doing in my office, I would then ask the i4 to apologize to me and his supervisor for going against the handbook and disobeying the orders of his supierors

Judgement Waiver has been activated in the city, what do you do during this situation?: I will split this in three answers

#1: If I'm in the lower nexus and a judgement wavier is activated, I would gather my things and return to the office and lock the upper nexus doors and wait
for the JW to end.

#2: If I am already in Upper nexus, I will give a speech to the to the people who decided to cause a JW. I would then lock the doors and remain in the office
Until it ends.

#3: If by any chance I'm outside on a walk and a JW is pressed, I would immediately tell my guards to shoot anyone who blocks the way as we run back.
I would make sure that I will return back safely and same with my guards and make sure no one gets hurt, I will then run up to my office and remain indoors until the JW Ends.

You receive a written letter from a claimed rebel source regarding a hostage, what do you do in this situation?

I would first stop what I am doing, I would then see if I can ask questions by sending out another letter. I will then let the Civil Protection know about the Hostage.
I'd then ask if there is a location or where they are, if we recieve a location I would immediately tell Civil Protection the Location and who is armed. I'd ask the Civil Protection to keep me
updates on the situation

A Civil Protection SqL comes to your office to warn you that your broadcasts need to be more cohesive, what do you do?

I'd first listen to they say and without arguing change the subject if I'm doing a speech, if I'm not doing a broadcast I will take the SqL's word and try to find a more cohesive broadcast.
I would then ask the SqL to overview what I will be talking about and I will ask him if anything needs changing or doesn't seem cohesive enough to be broadcasted.
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Please remember to follow the rules and to set a good example for the server when playing as the City Administrator. Have fun!
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