New weaponry for MPF/OTA and Rebels

Time to necropost. I'd say smoke grenades are not a bad idea to block off an area, and they are easy to code, but an LMG is hard to balance in terms of gameplay.
-Give vice a different kind of SMG such as the one im gonna suggest here:

-Give flash grenades for VICE.
-Smoke grenades to high ranks (DvL+)

1716073349877.pngView attachment OW MP7 VICE.mp4


-Give fragmentation grenades to MACE EOW+.


-Smoke grenades for EOW+.


(I have multiple ideas for this division, unsure of what exactly to give them as they are the Elites but i'll put up some suggestions for it)

-Fire grenades or Smokes.

-AR2 Orb launcher. (with only 1 orb to use on restock with high cooldowns)


View attachment Garrysmod 2024.05.19 -


View attachment Garrysmod 2024.05.18 -


-Add crafts for Smoke, fire and frag grenades to workbench

-Add actual assault rifles to combat the combine AR2 such as the AK-47 suggested here.

View attachment Vídeo sin título ‐ Hecho con Clipchamp (4).mp4






(AR2 Used in the video comes from VJ BASE, this is a big addon that comes with lots of stuff as improved NPC AI, Weapons, HL2 vehicles and more it would be a huge addition to the server)

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I love the AK-47 shown in the video, it would be a really nice addition to the rebel arsenal. Additionally, impulse did have a craftable AK47, which we're missing on the server.

However, for the throwables such as grenades and flash grenades, I don't think they should be added. From a gameplay point of view, I'd rather have an actual gunfight with an OTA/CP than receive a grenade at my feet, killing me instantly with no chance to fight back. Where is the fun in that? But that's just my opinion on it.

Adding new features is nice, but if they're unnecessary, it just makes the server look saturated with useless features.
I love the AK-47 shown in the video, it would be a really nice addition to the rebel arsenal. Additionally, impulse did have a craftable AK47, which we're missing on the server.

However, for the throwables such as grenades and flash grenades, I don't think they should be added. From a gameplay point of view, I'd rather have an actual gunfight with an OTA/CP than receive a grenade at my feet, killing me instantly with no chance to fight back. Where is the fun in that? But that's just my opinion on it.

Adding new features is nice, but if they're unnecessary, it just makes the server look saturated with useless features.

This grenade suggestions for OTA/CP (as well as them being craftables for rebels) is to give more versatility to each division, since right now all divisions are basicly a run and gun, ECHO has same weaponry as a KING unit, and to me atleast just divisions feel a bit empty, as well as rewarding high ranks for CPs with a flash or smoke to make them differ a bit from a standard UNION I1 that has exactly the same stuff.
However, for the throwables such as grenades and flash grenades, I don't think they should be added. From a gameplay point of view, I'd rather have an actual gunfight with an OTA/CP than receive a grenade at my feet, killing me instantly with no chance to fight back. Where is the fun in that? But that's just my opinion on it.
This can be fixed by giving them out during certain city codes e.g. Uncivil for OTA and JA for CP's
This can be fixed by giving them out during certain city codes e.g. Uncivil for OTA and JA for CP's

I discussed this with floowe today and I think we both agreed in something like this to be in depending on city codes really great idea
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+1 Very good suggestion, I think that the grenades should be rank and city code based as well as having a long cool down around 5-7 minutes, the AR2 orb also needs to have a long cooldown, so KINGs don't sit on catwalks and spam orbs towards the rebels, the advanced MP7 is a very good suggestion, I would make this avaliable to rebels by Vice having a 90% - 95% chance of the special MP7 dropping, make it have a fair amount of recoil and make it a fair price to repair. The AK is also a very good suggestion, I would add a bit more armor pen because of the 762 caliber to make it viable against higher ranked OTA and vice units, I would also make the AK a little bit slower, in the video it seems a bit to fast.
+1 Very good suggestion, I think that the grenades should be rank and city code based as well as having a long cool down around 5-7 minutes, the AR2 orb also needs to have a long cooldown, so KINGs don't sit on catwalks and spam orbs towards the rebels, the advanced MP7 is a very good suggestion, I would make this avaliable to rebels by Vice having a 90% - 95% chance of the special MP7 dropping, make it have a fair amount of recoil and make it a fair price to repair. The AK is also a very good suggestion, I would add a bit more armor pen because of the 762 caliber to make it viable against higher ranked OTA and vice units, I would also make the AK a little bit slower, in the video it seems a bit to fast.

In the video it just shows the addons as they come from workshop, I do agree with this ones being modded for balancing reasons on the server.
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+1 I agree with this idea but during certain strenuous codes like said above. With the lower pop right now rebels wont be able to stand against it without enough players massed, enough to cause a severe code change.

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