Denied OFC App

General Information

Discord Username: noiseyboi322
Steam ID: 76561198798213306
What rank are you applying for?: OFC (Primarily Helix focused Ofc)


Why are you applying for this position?: So i can make RP More diverse and make certain elements of the Civil protection team stand out i want to specifically make medical officers more common

Why should we choose you over other applicants?: i dont believe many other applicants would choose to prioritise in a role of helix and i dont think others would encourage people to enlist as helix like i want to do

What prior experience do you have in leadership positions? (Doesn’t have to specifically be HL2RP): i lead my own HL2RP server i run a unturned server i also have played as HR combine in many other RP before

What kind of activity can we expect to see from you?: medical activity more narrowed down RP scenes more in depth and what not

Do you have a working microphone?: Yup and a Voice changer for Combine


You’re in nexus and an i4 comes up screaming in your face and insulting you. What would you do in that situation?: immediately Report it to a HR then ask him what his reason was for doing that then i would appropriately demerit him and double check that HR knows what he did

An i3 is being non-cohesive on the radio, saying things like “idk lol” or “dude I just killed that citizen lmao”. How would you respond?: i would first give them a subtle warning explaining that that can lead to deservicment if it continues i would take them to a HR and let them be demerited

During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?: i would correct them on their mistakes and help them to be a better officer for future if they continue making major slip ups i would have to tell HR

You’re a DcO and an OfC loses his temper and deservices a unit for a minor infraction, which is against our rules. How would you punish the OfC?: i would demerit him down to a i1 and i would retrain him appropriately to make sure this would never happen again if major amounts of infractions arise from said unit it would lead to them being deserviced
Although it was a very short app, it was flawless. I've seen you around as an i1 and you deserve this role. When it comes to telling HR (Which I assume is DvL+) you are an officer, You don't need to tell HR unless it is serious (Power tripping, Bullying, Harassment, or Peer-to-Peer) You should be able to do most of it on your own, but other than that. Good app
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Reactions: Noiseyboi322
Although it was a very short app, it was flawless. I've seen you around as an i1 and you deserve this role. When it comes to telling HR (Which I assume is DvL+) you are an officer, You don't need to tell HR unless it is serious (Power tripping, Bullying, Harassment, or Peer-to-Peer) You should be able to do most of it on your own, but other than that. Good app
I understand idk I thought I shoulda done that though people have always been so strict on like advising I tell a higher up in most situations and report stuff frequently and what not lol
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Reactions: neutral
I'll be honest, I don't know what to think about this application.

For my liking it's too short and I'd like more detail for a lot of the questions here and in-game, I don't really work with you often too so I don't have the best opinion on you in the field. But, I do like some of the answers despite them being short.

I'd just recommend giving more detailed answers and utilising certain codes you can learn from within the handbook to improve.

Overall, I'll be neutral about this. It isn't bad but also isn't good and I don't know what to say. It's just an okay application.
I'll be honest, I don't know what to think about this application.

For my liking it's too short and I'd like more detail for a lot of the questions here and in-game, I don't really work with you often too so I don't have the best opinion on you in the field. But, I do like some of the answers despite them being short.

I'd just recommend giving more detailed answers and utilising certain codes you can learn from within the handbook to improve.

Overall, I'll be neutral about this. It isn't bad but also isn't good and I don't know what to say. It's just an okay application.
i like being simple soz i like answering questions is all i dont like diving in unless i wanna get a point accross to some body really badly to improve on shit im doing this yes to improve in the server and yk all activity and what not but i like to keep it simple a question should be answered not ranted about i simply answered the questions if you need more detail i can do that if you want i can re write that :>

basically if you want in depth shit just say i just like keeping shi simple unless somone really doesnt get me! :>
i like being simple soz i like answering questions is all i dont like diving in unless i wanna get a point accross to some body really badly to improve on shit im doing this yes to improve in the server and yk all activity and what not but i like to keep it simple a question should be answered not ranted about i simply answered the questions if you need more detail i can do that if you want i can re write that :>

basically if you want in depth shit just say i just like keeping shi simple unless somone really doesnt get me! :>
The app should be in depth, as it is an application, and will be reviewed over time as well as discussed; so I also ask for patience. As Antlion said as well, in-game interaction helps with factoring.
so you want a re write?
Making the answers more in depth so you show and demonstrate your skills would help a lot.

Cant give my support on the app as multiple people here said the answers are right but some what short and vague.

Last thing I want to point out, in the following question:
During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?
You say "...if they continue making major slip ups i would have to tell HR"

Dont take my word for this since I am currently not much into MPF but, wouldn't you take direct action for major slip ups?

Making the answers more in depth so you show and demonstrate your skills would help a lot.

Cant give my support on the app as multiple people here said the answers are right but some what short and vague.

Last thing I want to point out, in the following question:
During a patrol an i4 arrests someone for the incorrect charges. They don't seem to know what they're doing very well. How would you correct them?
You say "...if they continue making major slip ups i would have to tell HR"

Dont take my word for this since I am currently not much into MPF but, wouldn't you take direct action for major slip ups?

good point yeah you probably would have to take them to a Sql or something. but by major slip ups what i mean is just slip up after slip up like multiple in a day is what i mean

While both a good player and person from my interactions so far none have been on CP. None of my SVs have had much interaction with you on CP as well and the app needs more detail especially on the scenarios section. You are free to re-apply after 1 week and I look forward to it my friend.

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