Denied Overwatch Transhuman Arm Application

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New member
Apr 12, 2024
General Information
Discord Username: combinehl1 / 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140054272
What rank are you applying for? LDR

Are you currently in a known rebel group?

Are you currently a supervisor within civil protection?

General Questions

Do you have a microphone? Not required | Yes, but I prefer to not use it.

Why should we pick you over other candidates? You may write whatever you wish in order to convince us that you should be whitelisted. You might want to include experience, superior qualities, what we might be able to expect from your etc. Essentially sell yourself, make us pick you.
I have leader experience, such as..
i1 on Triage
OfC on Complexity
Rebel Group Leader
OfC on Vanilla.

I'm good at combat, and I have some clips of that. I use strategies to my advantage, and I've been told that I'm a good leader that can easily fuck over the opposing force. I'm able to be active, as I don't have work or anything so I can be on almost every day. I'm caring, and I know how the OTA works. I'm aware that the OTA has no place for incompetence, and I will let my assets know that. I'm able to plan flank routes, and I am good at CQC combat.

Specific Questions

An OWS is 10 codes, as a supervisor what do you do?
I would remind him that ten codes are strictly for Metropolice, if he says something like "I don't care." then I would tell him to follow me to a private area, tell him what he did wrong and I would use my weapon to deservice the asset for incompetence in the field.

A EOW is speaking to a citizen, it seems like casual chit-chat, as a supervisor what do you do?
This is a mix of an IC/OOC situation. I would tell the EOW in the radio to suspend speaking to citizens, if he stops in front of me, and then speaks when I'm not there, and someone lets me know; I would bring him for deservicement. That would be FailRP (the scenario).

You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active. What do you do?
I would retreat to my post, as I cannot go out without any backup.

An EOW asset is purposefully going out onto plaza and refusing to listen to orders, as a supervisor what do you do?
The OTA has no place for incompetence, I would deservice him on the spot to show what happens when you disobey The Combine.

An i1 unit runs up to you and start screaming at you because you had let them die, as a supervisor what do you do?
I would notify MPF, as this is clearly a 10-103m unit. If there are none on, I would tell him to Suspend and as always, since OTA is meant to be strict - I would deserivce him.

A CA is being un-cohesive, speaking none approved languages and spreading anti-combine propaganda, what do you do?
I would give him three clear warnings in the radio to suspend, and get a SENTINEL or someone else to go up there to watch him. If he does it again, I will order the SENTINEL to shoot him.

Before the city can be returned to civil from Judgement waiver, what must CCA await for from OTA?
For us all to be at the Condition Alpha.

You are an OvC and condition Alpha is called by an ODL, what do you do?
I would order my Stabilization Team and other units to move to it when they are able to.

The city is in Civil, however you see a bunch of civilians running across Upper Assembly train tracks. As a supervisor what do you do?
I would let the Civil Protection know that there are citizens on the train tracks, and I would describe their appearance so that they could possibly use that for a BOL. If there are none, I would KOS.
While I can say that he was infact an OfC on both CN and vanilla, still have to say that this application is a tiny bit unfinished, for example on the question

"You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active. What do you do?"
You might have been able to put a more fleshed out answer, I think the OWC wants to see how you would handle the situation instead of just moving back to regroup with assets, give an example on a breach you would do, what assets you would put in what area, and what YOU would do as an LDR.

Other than that I will say that this guy does know how to breach and lead correctly, not to mention the positions he has been in are well deserved, considering he got those positions from hard work.

You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active. What do you do?
Most Outlands Zone areas have exits, but if there was one without one on a future map; I would retreat to my post, make an ST and request my Stabilization Team to move to me for backup. After that, we will rush the rebel as he is alone.
In my opinion retreating in this situation back to hardpoint and awaiting for other units would clearly give more than enough time for said rebel to leave.
If there are no indications of a greater threat than just 1 rebel looting inside a building without exit the move for me would be to clamp said exit taking a vantage point and holding for atleast 1 more asset to inject.

(quick note: there are many buildings in the outlands with only one entrance/exit such as the warehouse in OZ-3 as well as some places with 2 exits that are easy to hold from outside as a solo like the bunkers in both OZ-3;4)




You are a lone asset on a patrol, you see a rebel run inside a building, the building has no other exits or entrances, there are other assets active. What do you do?
Most Outlands Zone areas have exits, but if there was one without one on a future map; I would retreat to my post, make an ST and request my Stabilization Team to move to me for backup. After that, we will rush the rebel as he is alone.
My point is that in this scenario your leaving a 1v1 scenario (until other units arrive) where you have the advantage and letting him go.

Your answer also doesn't say that you report anything until you return to the hardpoint and make the ST.

I am leaving a 1v1 scenario, because I will not break CTA rules just to win a fight. It's common sense, and to be honest; You said yourself that you would not fight him, rebels are better than OTA/MPF at combat. That is common sense.
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