Other Prop Protection

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I would like to note that with bit more customization and editting this prop protection can have same or similar properties as the FPP yet having better protectzion againts abuse, as so I would perhaps sit down with you and other players on the server with the staff on the server and consider everything bit by bit.
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If the mod is secure and doesn't let people do stupid things, then it has my approval. Imperial will definitely need to weigh in on the technical feasibility of its implementation
To clarify a few things:

Falco's Prop Protection (FPP) isn't an anti-prop killing/surfing addon. It provides permissions for props and ownership (so that your props can't be physgunned or interacted with in certain ways by other players). It works hand-in-hand with most anti-prop kill addons requiring it.

Original impulse used an addon called APG (Anti Prop Grief) which used to be very popular but is unfortunately no longer maintained and has exploits. It requires and uses FPP.

At launch, we used FPP and a modified version of APG with many patches for known exploits. However, during the first week we saw around 3 server crashes caused directly by exploits through APG and decided tracing and fixing all the exploits was more work than moving to a new anti-prop kill solution. This new addon provides its own prop ownership and sharing system (which you can access in the context menu to share your props with friends). As Soviet mentioned, there are dependencies impulse has on FPP, so those portions had to be redone to be compatible with the new system.

Feel free to point out any specific issues you've encountered with our current anti-prop abuse and we can look into improving it
I believe that the majority of issues I had with the prop protection are related to it unfreezing props when the toolgun is used on them. This makes using the precision tool nearly useless because you can't be precise with it. This also applies to tools like materials or wire, and it's generally extremely annoying to deal with. However, I understand the restriction with the physgun, as long as the toolgun doesn't have the same limitation.
These issues were resolved back in December. Moving this to the archive, feel free to create a new suggestion if any current issues with the prop protection system are found
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