Other Scanner complaints

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- No obvious way to exit them
- Staff can not go noclip to solve a urgent issue
- A user who is a scanner can not be respawned using the respawn command
- Leaving the scanner makes u leave ur squad and resets weapons
- When in no clip the name of the user flying the scanner lags behind
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- No obvious way to exit them
Click F2
- Staff can not go noclip to solve a urgent issue
This is similar to other RP scenarios where you need to balance on/off duty. A scanner is deployed equipment separate from the player. There is no easy way to remove this from RP. This is similar to saying that you want staff to be able to noclip as an APC.
- A user who is a scanner can not be respawned using the respawn command
Scanners are vehicles piloted by users, which is an important distinction because scanners themselves are not players. The way to respawn a scanner is exiting in F2 and the player relaunching the scanner vehicle through the temrinal.
- When in no clip the name of the user flying the scanner lags behind
This is how the Source Engine works displaying someone who is spectating/controlling an entity. We can hide it, but it's useful information for our staff.
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Click F2

This is similar to other RP scenarios where you need to balance on/off duty. A scanner is deployed equipment separate from the player. There is no easy way to remove this from RP. This is similar to saying that you want staff to be able to noclip as an APC.

Scanners are vehicles piloted by users, which is an important distinction because scanners themselves are not players. The way to respawn a scanner is exiting in F2 and the player relaunching the scanner vehicle through the temrinal.

This is how the Source Engine works displaying someone who is spectating/controlling an entity. We can hide it, but it's useful information for our staff.
Alright understandable, thank you for clarifying
- Leaving the scanner makes u leave ur squad and resets weapons
This we'll definitely need to look into. There's a couple other known issues being worked on as well.
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