Accepted Searchable Bodies

Rather than having a random loot box appear when a player dies, it would be better if the fallen body itself could be searched for items. Very simple and short suggestion.

(Edit): Also having their name when you hover over their bodies would be a good addition, stating who died in that location.
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Would this be for all loot (e.g., including weapons instead of dropping?) or just extra loot from Combine bodies?
Would this be for all loot (e.g., including weapons instead of dropping?) or just extra loot from Combine bodies?
This would be loot in general that already comes with the bodies, it's just replacing the box that comes out of bodies and makes it so you push E on the body.

Say for example you kill someone, their body drops and when you hover over it, it says "Matt Branlab's body" or "CP-C24-i1-XRAY-99's body", and when you press E on them, it brings up the loot they dropped or didn't drop.

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