The Biggest CP Faction Suggestion.

Today, there was a meeting and I'm sure most of you were aware. Many things were discussed and now it's time to suggest.

Section 1: The Weapons
Many people like many weapons to choose from, If we do gain more weapons I suggest them being locked based on division and rank.
Sterilization Credits can also fall under this category since they are used to Buy weapons. Starting with SMGs, They should add newer ones like an MP5K or a regular MP5.
We can also add more Close-quarter items like shotguns, maybe a Mossberg or a Remington 870. Rifles could also be for Vice such as maybe M4 SOPMOD (if possible).

That is all I have for the weapon section, Please add other suggestions or changes in comments.


Section 2: Uniforms
Uniforms are the biggest part of the CP Faction, It makes units Identifiable with rank and division. Uniforms have always been brought up as in new models for Civil Protection other than the Basic and Original metropolice pack used by impulse, During the meeting we discussed about the Willard models being our new Models.
I think this would be a great model change and I heavily support it.

That concludes Uniforms Section, Please add any other suggestions in comments.

Section 3: Items

In the CP Faction we are granted items to assist in Patrols and Combat scenarios, The usual is 1 Health Vial, 4 Zipties, and our Firearms. Items also vary on Division and rank, For example, Grid gets Camera repair kits and Union Does not, Helix gets a Medkit while Jury Does not, Etc. Granted more items will mean more people would want to engage in shotcops for more loot and items when CPs are killed, I also think all CP Divisions no matter the rank should get 2 Health vials instead of 1.

That is it for Items section, Please add your suggestion in comments

Section 4: Applications

Now, this would be mostly on the SV side but I really think this suggestion could help alot. Applications open and close every now and then, and we get apps for SV Ranks. I think there should be a Promotion system set in first. I will give context, A unit is doing outstanding in the field and he has enough merits to be promoted.
A DvL promotes him and now he must reach requirements to apply for a DvL position. I am saying we should get rid of applying for Ofc and allow i1s to get experience in leading before they can get SV. Basically, they have to get promoted to Ofc to then do SV Applications.

That sums it up for this suggestion, Please if you can. Suggest more or add your opinion.
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In my opinion, I believe we should use different weapons, 5.56 is unreliable and the combine do not have a sufficient amount of this caliber to keep supplying PTs, a more fitting weapon could be a MPX, its chamber in 9x19, and has a fast firerate, almost perfect for the CQC engagements CPs are in, Even a P90, or a MP5 could prove useful, and as for shotguns, I believe there should be a special shotgun made for fast breaching like a Remington 870, or make the SPAS be able to do this. As for uniforms, I agree, our current uniforms are lackluster at best and do not fit the current map or setting we are in, Willards pack is not only customizable, but also has stuff for Citizens and CWU. I fully agree with the items, I believe the grenades we have gotten this update helped a lot, but I believe we should have more health viles, and in the future, higher ranking OTA could even carry a portable ammo box with 5-10 uses that gives units around 100 - 150 bullets back. I believe GRIDs should have more than 2 camera repair kits, for example 4 or 5 that don't weigh as much as the current ones. I also believe JURY's should have more use, for example the possibility to help an investigation, or find meta bases easier (through investigation with said tool). As for applications, I believe Promotions should be handed out VERY little, only to the i1's that actually prove that they are capable of OfC. I also firmly believe that OfCs should not be able to apply for DvL or DcO, they should first apply for SqL, and that should end off the application system, so that we don't have an overflow of OfCs instantly applying for DcO right after being able to.
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1. Apps
I agree that apps should be limited to some point or even close apps since we already got enough SVs on CP I believe that we should focus on the promotion via performance.

2. Models
Speaking about models about models we alreay have the willard pack suggested for 3 factions. Civi, CP and OTA.

(As an example I'll put some pictures of what they would look like just in case someone didn't see it.)
CP 1721615588454.png 1721615613332.png

Citizen/CWU 1721614984081.png 1721615686003.png

OTA1721615114568.png 1721615732050.png

All this were made just for this map since C24 is the main map for willard, making them have a great look when compared to each other abd a great visual quality that fits the dark and almost post apocalyptic look when inside the city, making citizens feel more opressed and trapped with the darker atmosphere of the map.

These are the links to the model suggestions currently up. In my opinion they would all feel so good when put together

This are the links to the model suggestions:

3.Weaponry and items
I think we need a variety of new weaponry to make each weapon feel "unique" not just for combine but for rebels to use so it feels like there is more diversity.


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Hello, I would like to share my response to the suggestion for civil protection:

Section 1: The Weapons

While a variety of weapons is always a good addition to further deepen the combat system and balance the game, I always try to avoid suggesting specific types of weapons. Instead, I focus on the implications that new weapons would have on the server as a whole. Expanding the arsenal for civil protection would also necessitate creating additions for the rebel forces in crafting or otherwise obtaining these weapons in the current system. This process would take a considerable amount of time to perfect the balancing, which would further deepen the combat aspect of the server. Which isnt nessesarly bad but after all server isnt CVR.

Section 2: Uniforms
I believe I have spoken my mind enough in my "Visual Improvements Suggestion". where I stated that it doesn't matter as much what models you choose but rather the cohesion with the rest of the server. Additionally, I would like to point out that having so many divisions and a senseless variety in ranking just to have different kinds of uniforms from everyone else could fuel the "power-hungry asshole CPs" stereotype. From a lesson I recently took from the Netspark RP, it's better to have a larger variety in the most common uniforms. Everyone can look special to their liking without having to have a DvL+ rank. This means not different colored shirts but rather small stuff like having your sleeves up, different kinds of armor, or different kinds of gas masks. These additions allow everyday players to have a character that suits them best.

Section 3: Items

I believe that this is less of an suggestion then just need for combat balancing.

Section 4: Applications

I dont have anything to comment on.

In conclusion
I believe that even though there are improvements, they aren't really helping the faction grow beyond a PvP-based hierarchy of players. They don't add any greater interactivity with the rest of the server from an RP perspective, focusing instead on PvP, which I'm not personally a fan of.
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Replying to what tryki responded here

1. Suggesting new weaponry and not suggesting the mods as an example gives little to nothing for management to work with, server is not CvR, but as a surprise to no one it still exists and players enjoy action every once in a while. I do agree with this ones being obtainable by rebels in some way.

2. Sorry but CPs aren't ment to be nice people, they get rewards for beating up people and being assholes to the population. Giving a structure with the uniform with small changes like a small color change on their shoulderpads and armband is a great. every unit is ment to look alike just like what the police or military look like. They get small things on their uniforms. If everyone is available to get a fancy gasmask or straight up different uniform apart from easily breaking the "visual identity" that you talk about alot would feed a lot more the "power-hungry asshole CP" stereotype that you dont like.

3. How is balancing something less of a suggestion?

As for the "useless divisions" all divisions on the server right now have their own meaning and purpose and It requires a different uniform that displays what they are, a specialized medic cant look the same as a standard patrol unit.

Simply put, I don't believe any of the suggestions made would have any impact on the server whatsoever. Having more or fewer weapons changes absolutely nothing about the gameplay. Adding new features like grenades, for example, is indeed a change in gameplay, but it still doesn't improve anything besides the PvP aspect of the server. While PvP does require some attention, in my opinion, wasting time and resources trying to improve it instead of implementing game-changing features is not necessary.

"How is balancing something less of a suggestion?"
Changing up numbers won't develop the server further, in my opinion.

As for the divisions, no, they don't. Ever since the impulse release, the JURY division was supposed to be a roleplay-based investigation division, which had very little to do for the majority of the gameplay since not many people were interested in roleplaying. Additionally, there was no incentive to roleplay, as JURIES held no actual power to carry out their tasks, and players could simply respawn and go about their day.

Helix is a combat-supportive division only. It isn't bad, but it requires a bit more love.

Union is the crème de la pele of the CP faction, and they are amazing.
I know there is higher priority stuff but suggestions are ment to help the server on the long run. As you have probably heard there is going to be a roadmap for development with the important updates first. This doesn't mean that this type of suggestions become a bad thing to help the server in the future.

Even this suggestion isn't a high priority like the other ones related to models or weapons but it's NOT WRONG to put them up here since the literall definition of the word means an idea to put forward into consideration
Speaking about divisions, there are currently suggestions up for the implementation of new features for jury for investigation and to make it a roleplay based division as you say here, helix as well as EVERY other division needs love, so yeah all divisions currently have a purpose, server is still in development and you have to give it time.

My point here is you can't just say something is bad cause it's not a priority.

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First off I want to agree with some aspects of Hylix's comment, GRID should be able to carry around 4 repair kits I have noticed this myself. I think the combine could easily make more 5.56 but why would they, 9x19 is more available and also causes less collateral damage for CP units. Primarily I agree with citizens gaining more access to weaponry; while we are not moving toward the CvR aspect and more towards RP material rewards do have a factor nonetheless and people enjoy having some form of progression. For rebels that is gear and influence. Jury has some suggestions and ideas for it being formulated that would definitely help it. Cheeki is right in that these are suggestions, and this did not say what should or shouldn't be a priority; this could be for the future or now.

The divisions have their own purpose: you cannot repair cameras as a GRID nor use scanners when they come, you cannot heal others except as a Helix, Union gets better weaponry with ranks and is general purpose, VICE doesn't need explaining, and Jury has ideas in the works as said again. Though I don't particularly care for divisions in appearance, they do each serve their own purpose and without them it would be a cluster of who actually does what rather than having designated units do their jobs. I also like the idea of ground units having more standardized uniforms but with armbands for different divisions, many have heard me say this, that does not mean that the players themselves do not prefer special individual models or markings/colors.

The items section confuses me Neutral, I'm not sure what you're asking except for 2 healing vials instead of 1: I personally cannot comment on whether or not this is something that should be changed. Balancing is a suggestion and can definitely affect player numbers as well as rebel numbers heavily because different people enjoy different styles of play and different purpose firearms allow this. If people build their anti-citizen group up from pistols to 'shitty' SMGs, then to better quality SMGs and small brand rifles, then better rifles- you feel a sense of progression that is both in roleplay and physical; you can provide both while not inhibiting the other. Regardless of what guns it is done with, people are going to do combat and the most you can do is impact the combat in a different possibly even controlled direction without bloating it. Of course this does take a lot of balancing and I agree should be an over-time looked at thing rather than a priority.

Lastly I don't think I need to give my input but I will, Willard's pack is well done and matches the map. It's made for it. I really like it in every way and the citizen models allow clothing stores due to readily available bodygroups.
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To address the Camera Repair Kit portion of this suggestion, the latest update increases the amount a GRID unit can obtain from CP Requisitions and decreases the weight.

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