Accepted VICE Division Enhancements

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Vice should have access to /rappel since they are a specialist squad, aswell as SPS. Vice SPS will vary on rank, Ofc = 25 SPS, SqL= 30 SPS, DvL=40 SPS, DcO=40 SPS, CmD=60 SPS. This should be enough and it is fair since it IS lower than OTA SPS, (100+), the SPS amount can change if it doesnt seem fair enough
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Quick note: SPS is bugged no matter the amout of times you get shot it doesnt go down. Ill be putting this in another suggestion to fix.
This should be fixed now, let me know if the issue persists.
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This should be fixed now, let me know if the issue persists.
Sry to be a pain in the ass with this.

After a bit of testing with the SPS found a new thing,

My ranks spawns with 120 SPS and after I recharge it sets it to only 100.

Positive thing is that you actually loose SPS when shot now
Yeah same, but since VICE are like the weaker version of OTA for CPs I think they should have a little protection.
+1 I agree with this. OTA should be equipped with SPS but since Vice is a CP assault division, they would be more armored than regular units
+1 I agree with this. OTA should be equipped with SPS but since Vice is a CP assault division, they would be more armored than regular units
Maybe we could add equipment to the vendor for VICE units only that adds SPS to their armor, like an armor battery. That way they don't spawn with it, and we can make it so it has a cooldown. The battery would also probably charge it to 25 SPS.
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